The Prosecutor’s Office investigates a company of the friend of the king emeritus who invested in gyms and luxury estates in Madrid

The firm Sanlua Inversiones, owned by Allen Sanginés-Krause, invested 1.3 million euros in the clinic that performed anti-aging treatments for the emeritus king. Afterwards, it sold the shares without obtaining a profit in an operation that, for the Prosecutor’s Office, allegedly served to hide profits from the Treasury or surface opaque moneyIn April 2018, the company transferred part of its real estate investments to a company in the United Arab Emirates, a country that two years later, the king emeritus chose to establish his residenceTo avoid being put on the bench by the Prosecutor’s Office , Juan Carlos I decided to voluntarily regularize before the Treasury in the early stages of 2020 and recognize himself as a beneficiary of the funds. For his part, the Mexican businessman explained that he made these payments out of “friendship and admiration” for the king emeritus, as reflected in the press of the time. Now, the Prosecutor’s Office is again investigating the companies of the wealthy businessman, and especially the movements of a holding company opened in Spain in October 2014, called Sanlua Inversiones. With it, Sanginés-Krause bought 775.00 euros in shares of the company Sociedad de Medicina Antiagin y Medicina Saludable SL in 2017. It so happens that this is the company that manages the clinic in Barcelona where the king emeritus was a beneficiary of aesthetic treatments that his Mexican benefactor later paid for. The following year and according to documents from the company itself filed with the Mercantile Registry, the company invested up to 1.3 million euros in the clinic. However, before the end of the year, all the shares were repurchased by the doctor who manages it, named Manuel Sánchez. “Finally, on November 20, 2018, the Company proceeded to sell all the shares it owned for a price of 1,300,000 euros to its Sole Shareholder, not generating any gain or loss. The amount receivable for this sale has been compensated with the amounts pending payment to its Sole Partner”, explained the report for that year. A complaint from the Prosecutor’s OfficeThis circular operation, without benefit and with a millionaire investment, is the one that has caught the attention of prosecutors, who accuse the doctor of wanting to hide benefits worth 1.3 million euros with this operation , in his opinion without economic logic and consider that both his wife and the Mexican businessman are presumed necessary cooperators. The complaint filed by the Prosecutor’s Office, advanced by El Periódico de Cataluña and El Confidencial, has led to the opening of Preliminary Proceedings 511/22 of the Investigating Court 29 of Barcelona, ​​which will be in charge of investigating the case. Thus, the investigations of the Prosecutor’s Office focus for the moment on the financial movements of the Holding company that served to channel part of the Sanginés-Krause businesses in Spain. According to its own documentation, the company domiciled in Plaza de la Loyalty in Madrid and without workers had 1.5 million euros in assets and investments in at least five companies in Spain in 2018. The first was the clinic in Barcelona that is now being investigated by the Prosecutor’s Office and the second is a company called Tourist Investments of Mexico SL, a company closed in January of this year and that had a capital of three million euros. “At the end of the 2017 financial year, the investment in the capital of this company amounted to 3,000 euros. Said company has an investment in a Mexican listed company that owns and operates luxury hotels in Mexico. During the 2018 financial year, the Company has proceeded to sell all the shares it owned for a price of 3,000 euros to a third party, not generating any profit or loss”, explains the company’s report for 2018. In other words, Sanginés- Krause not only got rid of the clinic business at that time, but also of this investment. And it was not the only one.This is Allen Jesús Sanginés, the friend of the emeritus king and his presumed provider of fundsniusdiario.esNine million euros from the United Arab EmiratesThe operation of selling to third parties without obtaining benefits is also repeated in the third company owned by this company , called Asiru Inversiones, and in which Sanginés-Krause still appears as administrator, despite the fact that the majority shareholder since April 2018 is a company open in the United Arab Emirates, the same country that two years later the king emeritus chose to set his home . The company Alcazar Ventures (FZE) has through it, practically all the shares of two other companies in Spain, called Palacio Tirso de Molina SL and Global Endor SL. This second company has assets of more than 13 million euros in Spain that are now controlled in a particularly opaque way from the United Arab Emirates, a country that has entered the FATF gray list for its lack of financial control and where the legislation does not oblige. even to make public the shareholders of local companies. The same country where the emeritus king is now a fiscal resident. In fact, and according to the documentation consulted by NIUS, the loan of nine million euros that served to make a large part of these real estate investments in Spain arrived in 2017 from this company opened in the Arab emirate, in the form of a loan. This Arab company, or rather its controlling shareholder, are the real owners of the 13 million euros in investments that the company managed by the Mexican businessman currently has in Spain. “At the end of the 2017 financial year, the investment in the capital of this company amounted to 60,000 euros (which constituted 100% of the company’s capital). The aforementioned company is a holding company dedicated to investing in Real Estate in Spain. As of December 31, 2017, the holding company had invested in an SPV that had acquired a building in Madrid in order to rehabilitate and exploit it in the medium term through medium-term luxury rental. During the 2018 financial year, the Company has proceeded to sell all the shares it owned for a price of 60,000 euros to a third party, not generating any profit or loss”, explains again the Sanlua Inversiones report on the sale of the Asiru shares Investments, now in the hands of the Arab company. In addition, the holding company had shares in a playground company called Meraky Play, and in a sports activities firm managed under the firm Courage Community SL “The Company has an investment in the capital of this company for an amount of 190,750 euros as of December 31, 2018. The corporate purpose of this company includes all kinds of sports activities, instructor courses in its widest range, self-defense courses, purchase and sale of clothing, and accessories and products for sports”.

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