Fire in Gironde: evacuations in Sainte-Hélène, “we expected it but we hoped to escape it” – Sud Ouest

“Everyone is asked to bring only the minimum: clothes, identity papers…” Everyone is asked to bring only the minimum: clothes, identity papers, medical treatment. People who cannot be accommodated with family or friends must go to the Moulin des Jalles in Castelnau-de-Médoc. Thank you all for keeping calm, we are not evacuating in an absolute emergency but in prevention ”, can we read on the social network. In the streets, gendarmes relay the information door-to-door. At their side, NFB agents, who scan with concern the southern horizon, barred by a wall of smoke. “People must leave as quickly as possible, the fire is just behind,” insists a man in green. The whole town is not concerned. Only its southwestern part. “A triangle whose point is at the town hall and whose sides are the road to Lacanau (departmental 6) and the road to the Landes (departmental 5)”, describes Lionel Montillaud, the mayor of Sainte-Hélène. The D5 had been closed since Monday. The D6 was on Tuesday. The situation changed quickly during the day. Not in a good way. The same morning, the chosen one hoped not to have to carry out new evacuations. Monday evening, about twenty families had to leave the places called Bédillon and the Tronquats, areas surrounded by woods. A house had burned down. This time, it is the center, more populated, “200 to 300 households”, calculates the mayor. Place du 11-Novembre, the Hecquet family fills the trunk in fourth gear. “It’s a bit weird, we came for two weeks from Yvelines to see our grandchildren,” says Robert, the grandfather. The Hecquet family prepares to leave Saint Helena. “It’s a bit weird, we came for two weeks from Yvelines to see our grandchildren,” says Robert, the grandfather. Gwenaël Badets/“Sud Ouest” “We were given 20 minutes to leave, but fortunately, as we expected, we got ready,” says Virginie, the mother of the family. Her daughter Emy, 11, hugs Bouba, her little dog, in her arms. “She hasn’t slept all night because of the noise of the trucks,” explains her mother. Robin, 5, chews his lollipop, placid. Emy embarks Bouba in the family vehicle. Gwenaël Badets/“Sud Ouest” Route des Landes, the Gueguen family is also preparing to decamp. “The gendarmes came to warn us half an hour ago, says Florence. We expected it, because I watched the evolution of the wind all day. Her husband Patrick admits: “It does not mean that we were ready. Deep down, we hoped to escape it. Here too, the pets are the first on board – Loane, 16 and Manea, 13, take care of it. Manea and her sister Loane see to the evacuation of their rabbit, Caramel. Gwenaël Badets/”Sud Ouest” “It’s panic,” worries Noélie, the neighbor opposite. However, she lives on the “good” side of the road: she is not supposed to leave the premises. But the atmosphere that has gripped his village since the day before puts his nerves in a ball. She too is going to pack her things, direction Floirac, with friends.

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