The Editis group suspends the publication of a book by Guillaume Meurice just before its release – Le Monde

Guillaume Meurice, in Paris, April 5, 2017. LIONEL BONAVENTURE / AFP The dictionary was to be released on September 29 by Le Robert editions (owned by the Editis group). A dictionary of jokes, co-written by Guillaume Meurice, columnist for the program “C’est encore nous” on France Inter, and Nathalie Gendrot, director and regular author of the house. The end of the history of France in 200 expressions, was to be a funny book. Didn’t he make Vincent Bolloré, first shareholder of Vivendi, parent company of Editis, the publishing group responsible for publishing the book, laugh? Michèle Benbunan, its general manager, in any case preferred purely and simply to have this book suspended. Read also Article reserved for our subscribers Guillaume Meurice, humorist: “Power sets up a framework, laughter is there to fart it” Official explanation: “seven passages” of the book would be “likely to give rise to litigation”, explained Tuesday 13 September evening, very bored and visibly upset, the director of Le Robert, Charles Bimbenet, to Guillaume Meurice. Or two days before the appointment set for the authors to come and sign their work, which was part of a collection in which prestigious authors such as the linguist Alain Rey participated (200 funny words that have changed our lives for 50 years, book published in 2017). “No redacting” The publisher had yet asked the authors himself a year ago and the famous dictionary had been read, reread, annotated. “Everything is now going according to the legal department except two expressions: Louboutin and Bolloré”, ends up explaining Mr. Bimbenet to Guillaume Meurice at the beginning of August. The first contentious passage concerned Vincent Bolloré, quoted in the definition of “Falling out: Expression replaced today by: revealing on Canal+ the embezzlement of Vincent Bolloré”. The other problematic dictionary entry concerned the expression “To be a red heel: Today, the Louboutins play the same role: to show others that you are capable of carrying a minimum wage on each foot”. “No redaction, laughs the France Inter columnist, otherwise I will make a video to say what awaits you when you write a book at Bolloré! Ultimately, he wants to hear that Louboutin is a very procedural brand, as we explain to him – he is probably still unaware today that these luxury shoes are Michèle Benbunan’s indulgence. But the passage on Bolloré, no, no way! Charles Bimbinet takes note and reassures him: “Ok. We leave it like that. It will be ok. » According to the direction of the communication of the group, these new passages are likely to fall within the scope of « defamation, insult and slander » You have 29.55% of this article left to read. The following is for subscribers only.

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