The Government carries out taxes on banks and electricity companies with its partners and the frontal rejection of the right

187 votes in favor of the first procedure in Congress with reluctance from the PNV and Bildu due to invasion of powers and with the ERC demanding that they be permanent The PP, Vox and Ciudadanos vote against arguing that the taxes will be paid by the citizens and sow doubts about their legality Government defends that the new tax figures have a legal reserve and hopes to raise 7,000 million euros in two years It was only the first step but it has a high symbolic value for the left. The Congress of Deputies has taken the first step to establish two new taxes on banks and large electricity companies announced with great fanfare by Pedro Sánchez in the debate on the state of the nation. The Chamber has approved by 187 votes in favor against 153 against and 8 abstentions the taking into consideration of a bill signed by PSOE and Podemos, the two parties of the coalition government. A reform that aims to reconnect with the progressive electorate. The vote has served to measure the support of Sánchez in the first plenary session of the parliamentary course. It has had the support of ERC, Bildu and PNV, the usual partners of the Executive, although they have warned that it is not a definitive “yes” and that throughout the parliamentary process they will demand that the problems of invasion of powers that it denounces be solved the GNP. The proposal, with which the Government plans to raise 7,000 million euros in two years, has had the frontal rejection of the PP, Vox and Citizens who criticize the Government’s propaganda, point out that it is unconstitutional and warn that they will end up paying the tax all the citizens. Two taxes to redistribute the burdens of the crisis These are two extraordinary and temporary taxes on the profits of banks and large energy companies with which the socialists claim that “those who have the most lend their shoulders” at a time of crisis. The message repeated in Moncloa, the PSOE and Podemos is that the Government, with this initiative, intends to redistribute the burdens of the crisis so that the costs do not always fall on the middle and working classes. Although a tax on the elites is a traditional claim of Podemos, the purple formation wants to go further and demands an in-depth fiscal reform from the socialist part in the midst of the debate on the preparation of the General State Budgets, the third parties of the Sánchez era . The “no” of the PP, which has cleared the doubt hours before the beginning of the plenary session, has served the government parties to attack Feijóo in the offensive strategy of marking distances with the main opposition party. For the socialists, Feijóo’s PP has been definitively portrayed. “The PP defends the privileged and the powerful and abandons 90% of the citizens,” declared the PSOE spokesman in Congress, Patxi López. The PP defends the privileged and the powerful and abandons 90% of the citizens ( Patxi López) Faced with the threat from the energy companies and the banks to go to court to overturn these new taxes, Pablo Echenique, during his speech, snapped at the popular caucus who understands that they want to control the judiciary not only to get away with the corruption cases that affect them. “It also helps them to help their friends on the IBEX35”, he assured. The purple spokesman has focused on the fact that in 2021 the large energy companies earned 9,000 million euros and the tax estimates that they will collect 2,000 million annually in the sector. In the Government they defend that it is not a question of double taxation, as the companies reproach, and that the two new tax figures have a “legal fit” in Spanish law. The reticence of the partners The Government has not reached the vote with water up to its neck. This time he had the support of his parliamentary allies tied up, although everyone has told the PSOE that his “yes” this Tuesday does not imply a favorable vote at the end of the process. Along the way they demand that the Government take note and introduce changes to the text. The PNV spokesman, Aitor Esteban, has complained that things “could have been done better”, without so much haste and with a formula other than that of a bill. The Basque nationalists consider that the Executive has not taken into account the Basque and Navarre leasehold estates, has ignored the system of economic agreement and asks for the management of these extraordinary taxes. ERC and Bildu have emphasized that the initiative falls short and claim that the taxes are permanent. The vote against PP, Vox and CiudadanosThe PP, which had considered abstention, has opted for the vote against with the argument that they cannot approve measures that only “aim for Sánchez’s fund to have more money, when it already has 22,000 million more in collection so far this year”, said the party’s number two, Cuca Gamarra. For the popular, the measure will not have a direct impact on the Spanish. “What a legal monstrosity!”, cried Mario Garcés, the PP deputy who has intervened in the debate and has spoken of the Government’s “permanent fiscal felony”. Vox and Ciudadanos have repeated the same arguments questioning the legality of the measure, warning that it threatens legal certainty and that it will not help lower prices. Their objective is for Sánchez’s fund to have more money, when it already has 22,000 million more in collections so far this year (Cuca Gamarra) Another of the opposition’s complaints is that the Government has opted for the path of the proposal of law and not a bill to avoid prior procedures and mandatory reports from advisory bodies. The temporary banking tax, which expects to collect 1,500 million each year, will be 4.8% on the interest margin and net commissions of financial entities with revenues of more than 800 million euros. The tax on the energy sector, which provides for a collection of 2,000 million a year, is 1.2% of the total sales of energy companies that invoice more than 1,000 million euros a year. All the parties have expressed their concern that the companies end up passing on the cost of those taxes to customers. In principle, to avoid this, the Government contemplates sanctions and establishes that the CNMV, the National Commission of Markets and Competition, monitors that the tax does not affect citizens. For most parliamentary forces it is not enough.

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