ONLINE The exchange of ministers is already official: A minor embarrassment at the beginning and Čaputová’s joke about the dispute between Matovič and Sulík! –

On Monday, the head of state already met with nominees for the positions of outgoing ministers from SaS. The candidate for Minister of Economy is Karel Hirman, the Department of Justice should be headed by Viliam Karas and the Department of Foreign Affairs by Rastislav Káčer. VIDEO The President accepted the resignation of SaS ministers and appointed new ones Speech by President Zuzana Čaputová Updated 12:23 PM Outgoing SaS ministers. Updated 12:08 p.m. The president spoke to the new Minister of Justice, saying that it will also depend on him whether people will believe in justice. “On the topic of justice, we need not only technocratic legal determinations, but clear positions,” she addressed Karas, who has been the president of the Slovak Bar Association until now. Photo gallery (6) Mária Kolíková will be replaced by Viliam Karas
Source: Topky/Vlado Anjel Updated 12:05 a.m. At Rastislav Káčer, Čaputová appreciated that at the time of Putin’s war in Ukraine, he has clear European and transatlantic positions. Photo gallery (6) Ivan Korčok will be replaced by Rastislav Káčer
Source: Topky/Vlado Anjel Updated 11:52 a.m. The President appreciated that experts were appointed to the positions of ministers. Less appreciates the fact that they did not find a suitable candidate for the minister of education in the coalition. Updated 11:50 “Mr. Sulík, it is known what you did not do and what you did not buy. So allow me to evaluate what you did,” said President Čaputová. According to her, it is clear from their press release when they submitted their resignation that there is a will to continue. Updated 11:47 President Čaputová speaks to the outgoing members of the government. “They did not accept your resignations lightly. You led important departments and, especially during the pandemic and the war, you still have a great responsibility,” she said. “Your work cannot be evaluated comprehensively, since you finish at half-time,” said the president, and in her speech she will focus on evaluating the work of each minister so far. Richard Sulík’s photo gallery (6) will be replaced by Karol Hirman
Source: Topky/Vlado Anjel Updated 11:44 Čaputová accepted the resignation of the last minister. Prime Minister Eduard Heger will temporarily replace Branislav Gröhling as head of the Department of Education. According to our information, the coalition currently has no name to replace the Minister of Education. Updated 11:41 The President accepted the resignation of the third minister. Rastislav Kácer will replace Ivan Korčok at the head of the Department of Foreign Affairs. Photo gallery (6) Source: Topky/Vlado Anjel Updated 11:39 Mária Kolíková is next in line. Viliam Karas will replace her at the head of the Department of Justice. Updated 11:36 President Čaputová accepted the resignation of Richard Sulík and appointed Karol Hirman as the new Minister of Economy. He prematurely stepped towards the president when his name was spoken, then took a step back. Updated 11:30 According to our information, the coalition currently has no name to replace the resigned Minister of Education Branislav Gröhling. President Čaputová had previously stated that she would like the coalition to find a replacement before the resignations are accepted. Several MPs, including the president, are not happy that Prime Minister Heger will temporarily lead the department. Updated 11:27 The liberals in the parliament are shuffling their cards, as they will have two more MPs than after the elections. On the contrary, they will lose one for the people and will have only three votes in the parliament. Several deputies will leave the parliament – Milan Laurenčík (substitute for Gröhling), and Miroslav Žiak (substitute for Sulík), Alexandra Pivková (substitute for Kolíková), Jozef Kanuščák (substitute for Dostála), Radovan Kazda (substitute for Galek) and Radovan Sloboda (substitute for Oravac). Updated 11:25 A critical situation that will test the ability of the minority cabinet to continue governing will be the vote on the state budget for next year. If the law on the state budget fails in the parliament, Slovakia will start next year in a provisional budget. “If we do not accept the state budget, then it is correct to come before the people and say that we have to go to early elections, because we are not able to deliver help to you,” said Boris Kollár, head of the We Are Family movement. The Department of Education does not yet know the new minister Prime Minister Eduard Heger (OĽaNO) handed the president three names of candidates over the weekend and asked her to entrust him with the management of the Department of Education for the time being, since the selection of a new minister has not yet been finalized. The head of state believes that in the meantime the coalition has also managed to find a candidate for the head of the education department. SaS ministers submitted their resignations after the coalition partners did not fulfill their demand for OĽaNO leader Igor Matovič to leave the government during the government crisis. After their resignations are accepted, the ministers will return to parliament. Heger’s government will continue as a minority, i.e. without a majority of votes in the National Council of the Slovak Republic. ONLINE The exchange of ministers is already official: A minor embarrassment at the beginning and Čaputová’s joke about the dispute between Matovič and Sulík!

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