Russia announces a ceasefire agreement after the latest fighting between Armenia and Azerbaijan

Armenia denounces the death of nearly 50 soldiers in clashes with AzerbaijanTurkey has asked that the 2021 Peace Agreements be respectedIran, another of the countries in the area, has shown its concern about the clashes and has joined the calls for ” containment “The Russian government announced a ceasefire on Tuesday after the latest fighting between Armenia and Azerbaijan on the border and has asked the parties to “avoid further worsening of the situation” and to respect the ceasefire.” We hope that the agreement reached as a result of Russian mediation on a ceasefire from 9:00 a.m. (local time) on September 13 will be fully implemented,” the Russian Foreign Ministry said, before advocating a resolution of the disputes. “exclusively through political and diplomatic means.” “We call on the parties to avoid further worsening of the situation, to exercise restraint and to fully respect the ceasefire, inline with the tripartite communiqués of the leaders of Russia, Azerbaijan and Armenia on November 9, 2020 and January 11 and November 26, 2021”, he said. Thus, he underlined in a statement published on his website that Moscow is “in close contact” with Baku and Yerevan and has confirmed that Armenia has made a “request for assistance in resolving the situation, in line with bilateral agreements and through the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO).” Finally, the Russian Foreign Ministry has emphasized that the problems related to the delimitation of the common border must be addressed “in the framework of the work of the bilateral commission on the delimitation of the border between Armenia and Azerbaijan, with assistance at the level of recommendations by Russia”. For his part, the Turkish Foreign Minister, Mevlut Cavusoglu, has highlighted through his account on the social network Twitter that he has discussed with his Azeri counterpart, Jeyhun Bayramov, the “Armenian provocations” on the border. “Armenia must put an end to its provocations and focus on peace negotiations and cooperation with Azerbaijan,” he said. Iran, another of the countries in the area, has shown its concern about the clashes and has joined the calls to the “containment”. The spokesman for the Iranian Foreign Ministry, Naser Kanaani, has also stressed that Tehran is opposed to “any change” to the current borders between Armenia and Azerbaijan, according to the Iranian news agency Tasnim. Along these lines, he has pointed out that the Iranian authorities are “carefully monitoring” the latest events and have reiterated the need to respect the territorial integrity of both countries, while showing Tehran’s willingness to provide “any necessary help” to resolve the conflict. Azərbaycanın İrandakı səfiri Ə.Əlizadə İran XİN sözcüsü&ictimai diplomatiya mərkəzinin prezidenti N.Kənani ilə görüşüb
A.Alizada, the Ambassador of #Azerbaijan to Iran has met with Naser Kanani, Spokesman&President of the Center for Public Diplomacy of MFA of the IR of #Iran— Azerbaijan Emb. in Iran (@AzEmbIran) September 13, 2022 Clashes in the last few hours The clashes in the last few hours have resulted in the death of nearly 50 Armenian soldiers, according to the Armenian Prime Minister, Nikol Pashinyan, without the Government Azerbaijani has provided a balance of casualties for now. Armenia and Azerbaijan staged a confrontation in 2020 to take control of Nagorno-Karabakh, a territory with a majority Armenian population that has been a focus of conflict since it decided to separate in 1988 from the integrated Azerbaijan region in the Soviet Union. Hostilities between the two countries lasted for six weeks and left thousands dead. They finally ceased when the two countries reached a Russian-brokered ceasefire agreement, allowing Russian peacekeepers to settle in Nagorno-Karabakh for a period of five years.

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