DIRECT. Funeral of Elizabeth II: Charles III goes to Parliament for his first visit as king – franceinfo

Find here all of our live #ELIZABETH_II 12:19: Since the death of Queen Elizabeth, II the United Kingdom has lived to the rhythm of the funeral program. An irritating situation for part of the population, which aspires to the advent of a republic. Louise Bodet and Faustine Calmel met some of them. from the strategic town of Izioum. The Russian army announces this morning to bombard the zones which it lost. • After having spoken in front of the Parliament, king Charles III will join Edinburgh, in Scotland, where the coffin of Elizabeth II arrived yesterday. It will be exhibited to the public for 24 hours in a cathedral in the city. Bordeaux. We decipher the weather forecast for the next few days with Météo France.
11:48 am: Charles III arrived in Westminster to speak to MPs. Small appearance of Big Ben and yes, of my finger on the camera.
11:41 a.m.: King Charles III addresses the members of the House of Lords and the House of Commons, which make up the British Parliament, after receiving their condolences. (Ben Stansall / AFP) 11:15 a.m.: On franceinfo this morning, Eric Coquerel justified the lack of reaction from La France insoumise and Jean-Luc Mélenchon to the death of the sovereign of the United Kingdom: “We are not forced to react on everything”, estimates the deputy, for whom this death “is a planetary, cultural event for the English people, but not a political event in itself”. 11:14 am: “I can understand that mayors are a little finicky. “a European leader”, reacted yesterday Philippe Laurent, the vice-president of the Association of mayors of France, quoted by Liberation. Another story this morning from Renaud Muselier, president of the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region, on BFMTV: “You have to know how to share the pain of others.” 11:11 am: In France, some mayors let it be known that they will oppose the instruction communicated by Matignon in a circular: put the flags of public buildings at half mast for at least 24 hours from now until the funeral of Elizabeth II. “This request seems incredible to me”, explained in particular yesterday the mayor of Bourges (Cher), Yann Galut, reports France 3.11:02 a.m.: It is Prince Harry’s turn to pay tribute to his grandmother Elizabeth II in a press release (in English): “As we celebrate the life of my grandmother, Her Majesty The Queen, and mourn her loss, we are all reminded of the compass that guided so many through her commitment to service and duty,” writes the one who has withdrawn from the monarchy for two years. 09:45 am: Hello @citoyenne. It is next Monday that will be a day off for the British on the occasion of the funeral of their sovereign. There is no question of a permanent public holiday, at least for the moment. doubt: is it September 19, 2022 which is a public holiday, or the date of September 19 which becomes a permanent public holiday? 9:16 a.m .: Let’s recall the main news from this Monday: Ukraine continues its successful counter-offensive in the east of the country. Yesterday evening, Volodymyr Zelensky announced the resumption of the strategic town of Izioum. • The coffin of Queen Elizabeth II reached Edinburgh from Balmoral, and will be exposed to the public this afternoon after a religious ceremony. Here is the program for the next few days between now and the queen’s funeral. An exceptional heat peak for the month of September is expected today, with temperatures that could reach 38°C in the Southwest. We decipher the weather for the next few days with Météo France.At only 19 years old, the Spaniard Carlos Alcaraz won the US Open against the Norwegian Casper Ruud (6-4, 2-6, 7-6, 6-3), and becomes the youngest world No. 1 in the history of the men’s circuit. 08:42: New Zealand announced last night that it would organize a day of national mourning in tribute to Elizabeth II, who was also its sovereign. It will take place on September 26. Australia will do the same on September 22.08:41: September 19, the day of the funeral of Elizabeth II, will be a public holiday in the United Kingdom. An event which is not without consequences for the British economy, explains on franceinfo Catherine MathieuCatherine Mathieu: “We can estimate that we will have a loss of activity and a loss of 0.8% of GDP over the quarter”, estimates the economist, in view of the consequences of previous public holidays such as the Queen’s Jubilee. 08:27 am: The commemorations will continue today. Here is a summary of the program for the day: The new King Charles III will deliver a speech in Parliament, after receiving condolences from both Houses, around 11:00 a.m. (French time). He will then travel to Edinburgh, to Holyrood Palace, where the coffin of Elizabeth II is. The coffin will leave the palace for Saint-Gilles Cathedral at 3:35 p.m. Charles III and his wife Camilla will follow the Queen’s remains in the half-hour procession through the streets of Edinburgh. After a religious ceremony, the coffin will be on public display in the cathedral for 24 hours.
07:54: Finally, while Le Parisien and Ouest-France return to the meditation of the Scots on the passage of the coffin of Elizabeth II, Le Figaro honors the new King Charles III. The daily believes that he has “succeeded in his first steps as a monarch”, but underlines one of his great challenges: to maintain the unity of the United Kingdom in the face of the temptations for independence in Scotland and Northern Ireland. associates

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