DIRECT. War in Ukraine: more than 20 cities “liberated in 24 hours”, announces the kyiv army – archyde

10:09A conference dedicated to “food autonomy” As a result of the war in Ukraine, food sovereignty and the explosion in the cost of animal feed and energy will be at the heart of the 36th edition of the food exhibition. Rennes breeding (Space), from September 13th to 15th. On Wednesday, debates will be offered to support breeders towards self-sufficiency in protein, or in pasture, while a conference will focus on “food self-sufficiency” in the context of the war in Ukraine. denounces “intimidation” against opponents of the war in Ukraine In Russia, “intimidation, restrictive measures and sanctions against people expressing their opposition to the war in Ukraine compromise the exercise of fundamental freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution, in particular the rights to freedom of assembly, expression and association”, moved the Acting High Commissioner, Nada Al-Nashif, during her opening speech at the 51st session of the Human Rights Council rights.09:23Russian experts in doubt?In an excerpt shared on social media, Russian TV analysts change their tune and acknowledge that Putin’s army is encountering difficulties on the ground.08:59More 20v Ukrainian girls “liberated” in 24 hours, according to the army The kyiv counter-offensive continues in the south and east of the country. On the entire front line, “Ukrainian forces succeeded in driving out the enemy from more than 20 localities” in 24 hours, the army said in its morning report. 08:48 Moldova finally gives up resuming flights to RussiaThe main Moldovan airline, Air Moldova, has finally given up on resuming its commercial flights to Moscow as it announced last week. “The Civil Aviation Authority of the Republic of Moldova has issued an operational directive (…) which prohibits national companies from performing flights in the airspace of Russia”, she indicates in a press release.08:20Western defense industry mobilizedThe Westerners, who have been drawing on their arsenals for six months to help Ukraine repel Russian forces, are now mobilizing their defense industry to replenish their arms stocks and continue to U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin has announced a special meeting of the Armaments Directors of Ukraine’s Defense Contact Group, which includes nearly 50 countries. then set for September 28.07:57BHL in Eastern Ukraine Intellectual hails “true historic moment” after kyiv’s counter-offensive in eastern and southern Ukraine.07:47Des auction to ratify Russia’s payment defaultEvent ent is symbolic but it reflects the effect of the sanctions against Moscow after six months of war: a council of creditors organizes Monday auctions on the debt of Russia which will ratify a payment default, the first on the Russian external debt since 1917. This is Moscow’s first default on its foreign debt since the episode of Russian loans launched by Tsarist Russia on Western markets, particularly in France, and which the Bolshevik leader Lenin refused to recognize after the revolution of 1917.07: 26The Russian hierarchy less credible? “The already limited confidence that the troops have in senior Russian military leaders is likely to deteriorate further,” said the British Ministry of Defense in its daily briefing published on Twitter, after detailing the progress of the Ukrainian army in the east and the south of the country.06:59Zelensky addresses the Russians: “Without you”Zelensky denounces “deliberate and cynical missile strikes on critical civilian infrastructure”. He then addressed himself directly to the Russians: “Do you still think you can intimidate us, break us, impose concessions on us? Didn’t you understand who we are? […] Without gasoline or without you? Without you. Without light or without you? Without you. Without water or without you? Without you. Without food or without you? Without you. “06:31” The withdrawal of the Russians is a form of seesaw “The defense consultant of Parisian – Today in France, Pierre Servent, underlines that the departure of the Russian forces from certain important cities testifies to a “disbanding” of the Putin’s army. “The Ukrainians have moved upmarket while on the Russian side, we had the feeling of a stagnant tool that has not regenerated”, he analyzes. Full interview at lite here.06:12Ukrainian army ‘liberated’ the city of IziumUkrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said late Sunday that his army had recaptured the strategic eastern city of Izium from Russian forces. 06:04Kiev accuses Moscow of retaliating on the power grid Ukrainian local authorities reported Russian strikes on their power infrastructure on Sunday evening, but power was quickly restored in some of the affected regions. According to Ukrainian Foreign Ministry spokesman Oleg Nikolenko, these attacks are “an act of desperation after Russia’s immense losses and its retreat into eastern Ukraine”. 06:03 Hello and welcome to this directIt is devoted to the progress of the fighting on this 201st day of the Russian offensive in Ukraine, as well as to the consequences of the war, in the country and in the world.

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