LIVE – Éric Dupond-Moretti announces an “unprecedented revaluation” of 1000 euros for magistrates – BFMTV

9:14 Eric Dupond-Moretti declares that we must “fight again and again against everyday petty crime which rots the lives of the French”. 2018, Eric Dupond-Moretti estimated that we must “fight again and again against the petty crime of everyday life which rots the lives of the French”. “There is a 1400% increase in convictions […] it means that we are not inert”, he added. 9:03 “We must talk about sexuality education at school”, declares Pap Ndiaye While several ministries are working on strengthening the fight against gender stereotypes at school, the Minister of National Education, Pap Ndiaye, declared on Franceinfo that “we must talk about sex education at school, it is moreover an obligation “We can act in different ways” for gender equality at school, for example on “the occupation of schoolyards” where boys play football and girls hopscotch, believes Pap Ndiaye. However, there will be “no gender lessons” at school, said the minister. explained in recent days that he had voted for Nicolas Sarkozy (UMP) in the presidential election of 2007, while he was at the PS. “Most of the European and regional elections, I voted colo, I voted a lot socialist, I voted Lionel Jospin, François Hollande, but in 2007 I did not hang at all on the personality of Ségolène Royal who did not inspire me confidence”, he declares “It does not make me someone on the right, I am on the left”, he assures. 8:59 Dupond-Moretti announces a salary increase of 1000 euros for judicial judges announced an “unprecedented upgrade” for judicial judges. That if will be up to 1000 euros. “There are the magistrates of the administrative order and those of the judicial order. I want the magistrates of the judicial order to be paid like those of the administrative order”, has – he explained. 8:56 Climate Convention: Olivier Véran assures that “85% of the proposals have been retained and applied” Asked about citizens’ conventions, government spokesman Olivier Véran assured this Monday on France Inter that 85 % of the proposals of the Climate Convention “have been retained and applied” by the government.” You find that 15% of the proposals which are not retained is a failure, I invite you to look abroad at the percentage of proposals from citizen conventions which are retained, you will see that in France we have nevertheless done the job well”, he adds. 8:54 Eric Dupond-Moretti promises “8500 additional hirings in the field of Justice” The Minister of Justice explained on BFMTV that he wishes “8500 em bauches” in the field of Justice, specifying that it would be “magistrates, additional staff and legal assistants”. 8:45 Eric Dupond-Moretti welcomes an “unequaled budget” for a justice which “has been neglected” that the Justice budget in France is up 8% for the year 2023, Eric Dupont-Moretti hailed “an unequaled budget”, from a “purely arithmetic point of view”. He argued for an “increase considerable for a justice that has been neglected from a budgetary, human and political point of view.” 8:42 About 4,500 contract teachers recruited this year, according to Pap Ndiaye About 4,500 contract teachers were recruited for this start of the school year, out of a total of about 35,000 contract teachers in education, explains on Franceinfo the Minister of National Education, Pap Ndiaye. Contract teachers represent 1% of the workforce in the 1st degree and 6.5 to 8% in the 2nd degree, he adds. The ministry’s objective remains, however, to have “fewer contract workers” in front of the classes in the long term and to provide “sustainable responses” to the recruitment crisis, according to Pap Ndiaye. 8:38 Eric Dupond-Moretti wants “more modern justice , faster, closer to our fellow citizens “The Minister of Justice is the guest of Apolline de Malherbe on BFMTV. “We must move towards a more modern justice, faster, closer to our fellow citizens”, has – he declared as the States General of Justice resumed on Tuesday. 8:36 Wearing a mask at the start of the Covid-19 pandemic: “we were wrong”, declares Olivier Véran today spokesperson for the government, returned to the recommendations made by the government during the Covid-19 pandemic, which were sometimes contradicted subsequently, such as not wearing a mask. “Sorry, we were wrong, we followed recommendations that were not the right ones” at the start of the pandemic, he said on France Inter on Monday, “probably we should have done differently”. In February, in March, in April 2020, all the recommendations, from the WHO, from international scientific committees, write that wearing a mask is not useful against Covid”, he recalls. “Science gropes, sometimes it crashes”.8:28Jordan Bardella claims to be “the one who is most capable of opening the National Rally to new electorates”Jordan Bardella is a candidate for the presidency of the National Rally, like Louis Aliot. On RTL, the MEP put forward his candidacy. “I think I have the strongest base within the movement to ensure the presidency of the party”, he argued. the one who is most able to open the National Rally to new electorates, to people from the Republicans, from Reconquest”8:16″Left of the allocs”: Eric Coquerel accuses Fabien Roussel of using a “right-wing vocabulary”According to Eric Coquerel, deputy of rebellious France interviewed on France Info, Fabien Roussel takes up “a right-wing vocabulary” and “for once, speaks like Emmanuel Macron”, when he evokes a “left of the allowances”. The latter, had opposed him to a “labor left”, Friday at the feast of Humanity. “Have you ever heard the left speak of assistantship?” Asked Eric Coquerel. has tabled a bill to ban the use of private jets on French territoryRebellious MP Thomas Portes has tabled a bill to ban private jets on French territory.The 36-year-old man, who illustrated for his trade union commitment to the CGT railwaymen, explains that there is “urgency to put an end to a criminal mode of transport and to the impunity of the ultra rich who are burning up the planet”. He will hold a press conference this Monday at 10 a.m. to present his bill. On August 19, Julien Bayou, national secretary of Europe Ecologie-les Verts (EE-LV), opened the debate, indicating in Liberation his intention to “ban” these modes of transport. 6:58 “We didn’t ask for that!”: at ZEvent, anger of Antoine Daniel and Angle Droit after a video by Emmanuel Macron “I’m fed up the ass.” Antoine Daniel and several streamers were angry this Sunday evening at the end of ZEvent, a charity streaming marathon which raised more than 10 million euros for four associations which work for the environment. And this because of a video of Emmanuel Macron published on Twitter at the end of the day. of the ZEvent. Already in 2021, Emmanuel Macron had posted a video on Twitter to congratulate streamers. More information here. 6:41 Élisabeth Borne visits the armed forces in Lyon this Monday This will be her first visit to the armed forces since her appointment. Prime Minister Élisabeth Borne, accompanied by the Minister for the Armed Forces Sébastien Lecornu, will be visiting the Rhône on Monday. More information here. Nupes at the festival of HumaMake unanimity against him. The Nupes hardly tastes the exit of Fabien Roussel this Saturday at the festival of Humanity which angers beyond rebellious France with which the relations remain very tense. “In my France, there is no more unemployment, there are no more unemployment benefits, there is no more RSA, there is no more replacement income which makes it possible to feed unemployment”, advanced the boss of the Communist Party this Saturday. More d ‘information here.6:17 “We are not a Third World country”: Le Pen attacks the government on the risk of energy shortageMarine Le Pen made his political comeback this Sunday, with a trip to Hénin-Beaumont On BFMTV, she says she “regrets” that the National Assembly has not yet restarted, and recalls having requested an extraordinary session to discuss energy issues, which was refused. “We will therefore have to wait until ‘until October,’ laments the three-time presidential candidate. ‘We are told about shortages, rationing. nde, and yet these words become daily, regular. We are trying to get the French used to this,” she adds. More information here. 6:15 Hello everyone! Welcome to this live broadcast devoted to political news on Monday, September 12.

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