At the start of the 3rd Aepi national holiday, guests ministers and party leaders

Made in Italy, Pnrr, work and welfare, reforms, taxation and public administration. Over 15 round tables, talk shows and interviews, and dozens of guests in the 3rd Aepi National Day, scheduled for 15, 16 and 17 September 2022, in Labro, in the province of Rieti. After the great attention registered last year, the Aepi Confederation – European Associations of Professionals and Businesses – returns to gather institutions, organizations and the business world for a broad discussion on the future of the country, also in view of the upcoming political elections. Aepi represents, in fact, over 500 thousand companies and 15 thousand cross-sector professionals and, in recent years, has distinguished itself particularly for its attention and commitment linked to internationalization and Made in Italy and is among the signatories of the Pact for Export. Among the other guests who will alternate on stage: Mara Carfagna (Minister for the South and Territorial Cohesion), Elena Bonetti (Minister for Equal Opportunities), Maria Stella Gelmini (Minister for Regional Affairs and Autonomies), Stefano Patuanelli ( Minister of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies), Ettore Rosato (Coordinator of Italia Viva), Carlo Calenda (President of Action), Antonio Tajani (Coordinator of Forza Italia), Matteo Salvini (leader of the League), Giorgia Meloni (leader of FdI) , Monsignor Vincenzo Paglia (President of the Pontifical Academy of Life) and Giampiero Massolo (President of Ispi). «We are in a crucial phase – underlined the president of Aepi Mino Dinoi, who will conclude the party with his speech-. First Covid, then the war in Ukraine have brought small and micro businesses and professionals to their knees. We are in a phase of no return: we ask the new government for courage and strategic planning. The productive fabric can no longer wait ». It will be a multi-voiced and transversal dialogue on the most topical issues on which acceleration is needed: concrete protection tools, enhancement for Italian brand companies, simplification of public administration, Europe, training, Made in Italy excellence and new approaches to the post-Covid world of work. “The Festival – underlines Dinoi – will also be an opportunity to officially present our ten proposals for the future of Italy, while in the background there is growing concern about the impact of the energy crisis on the economic world. Data from the Aepi research office provide an alarming picture: 150 thousand economic operators at risk of closure with the associated possibility of losing 350 thousand jobs ”.