Roma player Karsdorp finds his dog that was lost in Casal Palocco

Happy ending for the dog Terry, the chow-chow of the football player Rick Karsdorp. His wife Astrid had posted a request for help on her profile: “We are looking for our dog Teddy. A Chow-Chow. He has a phone number tag around his neck. Area: Casal Palocco. Please contact us immediately. Thank you. “In the meantime, the Enpa of Rome receives a phone call to find a dog in Casalpalocco, he has the medal and his name is Terry but the telephone number is Dutch and is unreachable. The dog is found by Mr. Nicola who, however, having another dog, he cannot keep it. The Enpa of Rome convinces him to wait and not let the kennel intervene because it would certainly represent a strong trauma for Terry. The Enpa Section of Rome therefore publishes a post on his Facebook page. In the meantime it expands more and more people are on alert for Terry. Astrid, the partner of the Roma player sees the Enpa post on Facebook and immediately recognizes her dog. Finally the happy ending. “Unfortunately, we publish many disappearance announcements every day – says Maurilia Amoroso of the Enpa in Rome – and obviously almost no one receives the media attention that this case has had and therefore it is not always possible to find the family. We are happy that Terry was able to t to decorate at home and that he did not have to experience the trauma of the kennel ”.