Confession of a man who won millions in the lottery: Drugs, alcohol and unrestrained sex! Bitter end, THIS is how he lives today –

Michael Carroll (39) was extremely lucky twenty years ago and won a fabulous £9.7 million (€11.22 million) thanks to his Lotto win. However, the win caused a complete upheaval in his life, he indulged in drugs, alcohol and became a regular visitor to brothels. At one time, he even boasted that he had slept with more than 4,000 women. He also became famous for his sex parties, which he called “Roman-style orgies,” where he instructed naked women how to serve trays of cocaine. In time, he admitted that he was willing to pay even 50,000 pounds (57,820 euros) for this kind of entertainment. Photo gallery (3) Source: FB/LYL He also spent up to £2,000 (€2,312) a day on cocaine and said he “started sniffing the world.” He said his nickname “Master Micky” came from when he eight women changed the bed in one night. “They simply came to me and offered me sex.” The former millionaire thus spent all his winnings, became homeless, went bankrupt and was abandoned by his wife. He openly admits that money has affected his health, calling himself a “total alcoholic” and claiming that he started the morning with a dose of cocaine and vodka. Despite losing his fortune and being forced to work hard for a living, he insists he wouldn’t do anything differently. For him, winning the lottery was also the best ten years of his life, which he got for a pound. “I don’t look back with any regrets and I wouldn’t want to turn back time.” Photo gallery (3) Source: FB/LYL In addition to his fondness for drugs, alcohol and women, he also made significant investments during times of abundance, which undoubtedly deprived him of huge sums money. Caroll spent £325,000 (€375,820) on the mansion, which he said had “sat empty for about ten years.” He invested a million pounds (€1,156,363) in his favorite soccer club, Rangers, which went bankrupt. Filing bankruptcy in 2013 brought Michael to rock bottom and he spent three months in a homeless shelter unable to find employment. After working in a biscuit factory and a slaughterhouse, the 39-year-old moved to Scotland in 2019 to become a coal delivery boy and reunited with his ex-wife there. Despite the fact that he lost an incredible amount of money, he is able to perceive his new life positively. “Now I live well, free and happier. I consider myself lucky to be alive. If I still had money, I’d be underground.”