Fedez, song against Carabinieri: prosecutor asks for archiving

“The song ‘You as you call them’ does not have the connotations of contempt but only those – criminally irrelevant – of harsh criticism, provocation and the spasmodic search for notoriety”. With this motivation, the Milan Public Prosecutor’s Office requested the filing of the proceedings against the singer Fedez one year after the complaint presented by the ‘Pro Territory and Citizens Onlus’ association for insulting the state armed forces. The rapper is particularly criticized for having defined in the text carabinieri and military as ‘infamous and sons of dogs’. “It is therefore a question of assessing whether and how the infamous expression is a denigration (and therefore a contempt) or a harsh, inappropriate provocation, but ruled out by the right of criticism pursuant to art. 51 of the criminal code – notes the prosecutor Francesco Cajani – The evaluation of the the overall context of the album, of the song and of the attitude (albeit ‘artfully constructed’ of the character Fedez) suggest the second hypothesis. Indeed, it is well known that rap (or even trap) music has many similarities to typical songs US traps: just think of the numerous references to drugs in the first texts of Sfera Ebbasta and Achille Lauro “. “Basically – we still read in the request for filing – the character is closely linked to his belonging to a ‘figure’ that we can define as ‘cursed’ and from it and with it he expresses his own existence built on excesses and provocations. this is an attempt to diminish or see Fedez’s expression in a different (favorable) light, but it is a purely juridical and juridical-sociological analysis based on two aspects: belonging to an ‘artificial construction’ of the character, regardless of what he thinks or does in his private life; the need for ‘publicity’ or ‘notoriety’ within a constellation of thousands of rappers with the sole purpose of emerging from anonymity “.