Chile 2022 plebiscite results, live | The rejection of the new Constitution expires in all regions of the country – EL PAÍS

Yolanda Díaz laments the rejection of the constitutional reform in Chile: “It’s a sad day” The second vice president of the Government and Minister of Labor and Social Economy, Yolanda Díaz, lamented this Monday the rejection of Chile in a referendum, by a large majority, of the draft of a new constitution. “It’s a sad day,” she said. This is how the second vice president spoke through a message on Twitter collected by Europa Press and in which she also stressed that, although it was a ‘no’, “Chilean citizens have given a lesson in democracy”. In addition, the head of Labor has transferred her “confidence” in the Chilean people and has indicated that she will be able to “through dialogue” advance in the constituent process. In this sense, Yolanda Díaz has recalled that Chile “already changed”, for which he has assured that “sooner rather than later, it will give itself a new Constitution”. The Chilean Electoral Service (Servel) has reported that, according to preliminary data, the rejection of the referendum of the The draft of a new Constitution has been imposed with 61.87% of the votes —almost 7.9 million—, compared to 38.13% of the ballots —just over 4.8 million—.