Pellegrini was at first stunned, then he smiled: They showed him a well-known meme, he also has scathing messages on the party’s account –

VIDEO Pellegrini was unexpectedly shown a meme joke in a talk show: The V politike show on TA3 news television has been moderated for several weeks by the veteran moderator Rastislav Dírer, who chooses a different approach to political guests than his predecessors. He opens various topics, most recently he quite creatively opened a debate on the topic of a possible ban on LGBTI flags at state institutions. Scraping money for the party His approach was not ordinary even now, and he wanted to show the chairman of Hlas a criticism of his last statement about “scraping money for the party”, so he showed him a well-known meme from the satirical site Zomri. On it, Hlas representatives stand in a slight bow with the caption that they are looking for loose change on the sidewalk in the park to “scrape up money” for the campaign. “What we scratch, we have,” said Pellegrini on the same television in July, while this statement “went viral.” The publication of the meme on television was also noticed and appreciated by the aforementioned satirical website. Pellegrini began to explain Although it seemed that Pellegrini was slightly shocked a few seconds after the meme was shown on television, he immediately began to explain and added that the photo came from bowing to the heroes of the Slovak National Uprising at the end of August. Immediately after publishing the joke, he smiled and even thanked. “Thank you for publishing it. This was a tribute to those who fell in the SNP in Lučenac,” said Pellegrini at the beginning. “I’m not kidding, I’m using free language. Yes, even then I used the term ‘scratched’, which became so viral. Although this site also got a lot of attention from us, it also did us a great service, because after that session and after during that wave of fun, a lot of people really said that they would like to help us,” said Pellegrini. Not all “donations” are sincere, some have a stinging undertone. However, it turns out that not all donations to the party are sincere, and the current banking system allows you to add a note or description to the donations. Literally penny donations appeared on the transparent account of the Hlas-SD party, which reflect all the characteristic features of the Hlas leader and his political marketing. For example, everyone also knows that Pellegrini likes to pose in artistic photos on his account, and they let him “eat up” that here as well. “For pellets and for the photographer, just a dog,” “I scratched for Peľul,” or “For gasoline for the lawnmower.” These are also the links that ordinary people leave on the transparent Hlasu-SD account for VÚC and Municipal elections 2022. Photo gallery (3) Source: Hlas demands a vote of confidence According to Pellegrini, the Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic Eduard Heger (OĽaNO) should request for confidence in the parliament if he wants to rule in a minority government. According to the leader of Hlasu-SD, this would show which deputies support him. Heger should also say who he will work with. “When the prime minister is so decent and does not intend to work with fascists and extremists, let him ask for trust,” he declared. Pellegrini said that “under no circumstances” will he support Heger’s government. In his opinion, they should agree on changing the constitution across the political spectrum and on shortening the electoral period as soon as possible. At the same time, he is curious, when SaS leaves the coalition, what the chairman of We are a family Boris Kollár will do, who is not in favor of a minority government. “We will agree on early elections, and until then I guarantee that even the larger part of the opposition will always support the outgoing government for things that will benefit the people,” he said. According to Pellegrini, the government must admit that it failed and failed to fulfill its mandate. Photo gallery (3) Peter Pellegrini after his statement at NAKA
Source: Topky/Ján Zemiar Hlas-SD, according to its leader, refuses to cooperate with ĽSNS and OĽaNO. There is no definitive decision about the Republic yet. He confirmed that he did not negotiate with Progressive Slovakia. Pellegrini also asks when the government will take measures to combat the energy crisis. They plan to present their own measures on Monday (September 5). Among them is, for example, more than 500 euros for each senior citizen, which, according to him, they should receive by Christmas. At the same time, he suggests that households be sent an energy check within a few months. They also want to cap energy prices.