PP, Vox and Cs denounce that Catalonia financed the UN Committee that ruled on the independence leaders with 1.3 million

The Popular Party (PP), Vox and Ciudadanos have denounced that Catalonia financed in recent years with up to 1.3 million euros to the UN Human Rights Committee, reason to which they attribute their opinion in favor of the independence leaders, although this body would also have received millionaire contributions from the Government of Spain. The UN Human Rights Committee ruled on Wednesday that Spain “violated the political rights of former members of the Government and Parliament of Catalonia” by suspending defendants from their public functions in the procés before they were sentenced in 2019, after the independence referendum of 2017. The opinion of this UN advisory body, whose decisions are not binding, agreed with a complaint filed in 2018 by the former Catalan vice president Oriol Junqueras and former ministers Raül Romeva, Josep Rull and Jordi Turull, who argued that the suspension of their functions without a prior conviction violated the Covenant International Civil and Political Rights. But from PP, Vox and Cs it has been denounced that the Generalitat has financed the Human Rights Committee, alluding to information from El Confidencial, according to which this body has received about 1.3 million euros in “voluntary contributions” from the Catalan government in recent years. According to this information, in 2019 the contribution of the Generalitat amounted to 150,000 euros; in 2020, to 350,000 euros; in 2021, to 290,000 euros; and, in 2022, to 200,000 euros; figures to which 100,000 euros would be added in 2016 and an undetermined figure, around 200,000 euros, in 2018. Although the Spanish government would have granted the office just 12,000 euros in 2022, the news from El Confidencial indicates that in 2021 the The central executive contributed up to 2.57 million euros, for 2.08 million in 2020 and 1.33 million in 2019. The parliamentary spokeswoman for the Catalan PP, Lorena Roldán, has published in her account the news of the UN Committee’s opinion , accompanied by the news about the number of contributions from the Generalitat, both together with a phrase about the alleged relationship between the two events, in the opinion of the popular: “Two news items that are better understood together,” suggests Roldán. Also the leader of Vox in Catalonia, Ignacio Garriga, has echoed that news and has warned that “the separatist mafia pays 1.3 million to sell their false story at the expense of working families”, for which he has advanced that his party ” will uncover all your corrupt them and make them pay for it; this is just the beginning.” The separatist mafia pays 1.3 million to sell their false story at the expense of working families. We are going to uncover all their corruption and make them pay for it. This is just the beginning. https:// t.co/yRxblxT2hQ— Ignacio Garriga (@Igarrigavaz) September 3, 2022 From Cs, also the leader of the party in the Catalan Parliament, Carlos Carrizosa, has alluded on Twitter to those 1.3 million contributed by the Generalitat, denouncing that ” This is how official separatism elaborates its hoaxes: paying money to international beach bars so that they say what interests them. Of course, the Sánchez government knows this, but it keeps quiet so as not to disturb its partners.” This is how official separatism elaborates its hoaxes: paying money to international beach bars so that they say what interests them. Of course, the Sánchez government does he knows, but he is silent so as not to disturb his partners. https://t.co/GKl7OnsZ5o— Carlos Carrizosa (@carrizosacarlos) September 3, 2022 But these accusations have also been answered from the ranks of the two parties of the government coalition in Catalonia, ERC and Junts per Catalunya, alluding to the fact that the Government contributed much more money to that body in recent years and denying any relationship between the contributions from the Generalitat and the opinion issued. “They are so used to buying and corrupting wills that they believe that everyone works the same. They question an opinion of the UN Human Rights Committee signed by fourteen of its members and with two individual votes. Fourteen have cashed in and two are incorruptible? You give pain”, affirmed the republican deputy Jordi Orobitg. They are so used to buying and corrupting wills that they believe that everyone works the same. They question an opinion of the UN Human Rights Committee signed by 14 of its members and with 2 particular votes. 14 have received and 2 are incorruptible? You are sorry https://t.co/ePH1MCbego— Jordi Orobitg i Solé (@Jordi_Orobitg) September 3, 2022 Also from JxCat, it is recalled that “the Generalitat has contributed to the High Commissioner of the UN 990,000 euros, as they say in Madrid… but they do not say that the Spanish government has contributed almost seven million”, said Ramon Tremosa, former Minister of Business of the Generalitat and former JxCat MEP, now a deputy of that formation in the Catalan Parliament.