Mostra Venezia, the director of ‘The children of others’: It is a political message, one is also a woman without children “

‘The Children of Others’ is “a project that contains a political affirmation with respect to motherhood, without directly expressing an ideology. It is a political message: women can exist even without children.” Thus director Rebecca Zlotowski presents’ I Figli Degli Altri ‘(Les enfants des autres), in Competition at the 79th Venice Film Festival, in which he faces the emotional labor of a forty-year-old woman without children who binds herself viscerally to her companion’s four-year-old daughter and then has to suffer the consequences when the separation. “The film is a stance according to which a woman can have her own position in society even without children – explains the talented French director, born in 1980 – I wanted to tell a moral and emotional conflict that those who find themselves in a position of stepmother or stepfather necessarily try. It seemed to me that it had never been told and that we should talk about it “. Zlotowski sinks:” The time has come for a woman to claim the choice not to have children as a complex and difficult choice, as it is right to consider the right a complex choice. abortion: I shudder to think about certain recent choices “he says, and the reference seems to be precisely the controversy that has erupted over the abortion law in the United States, which has also had a big echo in Europe.” And in the moment in which each of us admits his helplessness in spite of the vastness of the choice he has to face, he feels stronger. I say this as a French lucky enough for the rights recognized in my country, but I claim the complexity of certain choices that I believe are not sufficiently considered. I would like it to be a choice recognized as painful, but then sunny and beautiful “. In the role of the protagonist one of the leading ladies of French cinema, Virginie Efira.” When I read Rebecca’s screenplay I immediately caught the description of the moment in a woman’s life that I had never seen represented on the screen by anyone – he tells the journalists of the Lido – and which corresponds to a reflection that I also made on a personal level, despite being a universal condition. “The screenplay of the film, which will arrive in Italy on 22 September distributed by EuroPictures opens a series of questions without necessarily giving answers. “He answered a series of questions that are actually appropriate in my life and that have founded my existence”, explains the 45-year-old Virginie. The male point of view is expressed by Roschdy Zem, the actor who plays the woman’s partner, Ali. “My condition as a man is above all as an actor to whom this person has been proposed. onaggio aroused a strong emotion, that of feeling privileged to bring a theme so felt in the 21st century to the screen for the first time. It’s the first time, “he explains.” It opens the door to a new era of cinematic storytelling, and I felt like a privileged witness. The doors open to a future of cinema in my opinion that is absolutely feminine “. The director then spends a few words on the choice of using, in the role of the protagonist’s gynecologist, the 92-year-old American director, producer and editor Frederick Wiseman.” met in an elevator years ago right here in Venice, we started joking about our shoes, mine elegant, hers very comfortable. ‘They are director’s shoes’, he told me, and I replied ‘mine too’. So we met. “The filmmaker says:” It occurred to me that he loves acting and is a person with a great sense of humor. “The name did the rest.” His name is Wise-man (wise man, ed) I wanted it to be empathetic and non-judgmental “.