Bologna massacre, yellow Maria Fresu: some remains re-accumulated

We return to talk about Maria Fresu, the young 23-year-old mother who died in the Bologna massacre with her little daughter Angela and whose body was never found after the latest investigations and comparisons on the DNA have ruled out that the remains buried in the cemetery of Montespertoli belonged to her. The Municipality of the province of Florence has approved, in recent days, a resolution of the council that provides for “the exemption from the payment of the votive lamp of Angela and Maria Fresu, who died in the Bologna massacre of August 2, 1980”. The resolution provides for “the exemption of payment of the votive lamp” of the two victims, “buried in the cemetery of the capital of Montespertoli”, acknowledging the fact that “the need for financial coverage is not foreseen for the institution” as the company competent has “expressed the will to renounce the remuneration provided for the management of the votive lamps”. The resolution also briefly traces the history of the remains attributed to Maria Fresu who, “at the request of the President of the Court of Assizes of Bologna, as part of the trial for competition on the Bologna massacre, was exhumed in 2019” in order “to be able to carry out the chemical-explosive expertise, to allow the understanding of the dynamics of that tragedy”. The Municipality has approved the exemption of payment of the votive lamp “considering that these reports have been carried out and that the mortal remains have been buried again in the same niche at the Montespertoli cemetery”. In reality, consulted by Adnkronos, the mayor of Montespertoli Alessio Mugnaini explains that it was not a new burial, but that the part of the remains exhumed but not subjected to examinations was relocated. Lawyer Bordoni, ‘on the remains still available, applications for new examinations were rejected, disconcerting’ The findings exhumed and seized, on the other hand, are still available to the court: “We made requests because, in the persistent availability of biological material, the investigation of the DNA could be definitively deepened to verify the compatibility of those remains with those of other female victims and to discover the morphological characteristics “, confirms the lawyer Gabriele Bordoni, defender with the lawyer Alessandro Pellegrini of Gilberto Cavallini, the former Nar sentenced to life imprisonment in the first degree for the Bologna massacre. Appeals, says the lawyer Bordoni, “rejected because it was held that, up to now, there were no conditions. The fact that, after more than 40 years, it is not interested in verifying what has happened is astonished as citizens – concludes Bordoni -.”