Blanca García-Orea, nutritionist: “Without a doubt, whole yogurt is better than fat-free” – La Voz de Asturias

—How many times should we eat a day to feel good? “This is key. You don’t have to eat five times if you don’t need it. You have to eat as many times as your body tells you to. For an adult, eating three times a day is more than enough. Many times we think that we have to have a snack or we have to do a mid-morning, but it is not like that. In summer we are eating at all hours. This is what inflames us. We are not made to eat continuously. Our digestive system needs between 4 and 5 hours of fasting between each meal to be able to carry out a cleaning process, so if you eat all the time, that cleaning is not going to be done and you will be much more prone to bloating, gas and others “What can we eat to feel as light as possible at this time of year?” —I recommend eating fruit or vegetables at every meal, and protein, which we cannot forget, because many times we believe that to reduce inflammation it is good to eat some vegetables, but that is not enough. A good portion of protein is very important to keep anxiety at bay, as well as good fats, such as avocado, natural yogurt, eggs, olive oil. It is important to add them so as not to be all the time anxious and wanting to eat. —Instead of counting calories, is it better that we look at the components of the food? -Definitely. Two foods can have the same calories, but you have to look at the food matrix, what it contains, what feeds you. Two people can eat the same thing, but one can gain more weight and the other less depending on the microbiota. —What do you think of light or zero foods? — I am the number one enemy of light, zero, without sugar. All of these claims are a hoax because they load you up with sweeteners that aren’t good for your microbiota either. They are full of bad additives. Removing fat from a good food like yogurt doesn’t make sense. If you remove the fat from a yogurt, which also has very little, you will no longer absorb vitamin D, because it needs the fat to be absorbed. And then, on the other hand, it’s not going to satiate you anymore. The fat it contains is what will make you feel satisfied, so if you eat a light yogurt, in an hour and a half you will be hungry again. There is no point in processing a food more if it is not going to fill you up. In this case, whole yogurt is definitely better than fat-free. Filed under: Instagram Dairy Foods