Dear shopping, Coldiretti: 1 Italian out of 2 cuts the shopping cart

More than one in two Italians, 51%, saves on shopping in the shopping cart due to the record increase in prices driven by energy increases and the effects of the war in Ukraine which reduces the purchasing power of citizens. This is what emerges from the results of the survey conducted on the website which shows that another 18% of citizens declare that they have reduced the quality of their purchases, forced to move towards low cost products to get to the end of the month, while 31% of citizens did not change their spending habits. Italians also go hunting for the lowest prices by doing the slalom at the point of sale, changing shop, supermarket or discount in search of promotions for different products. Alongside the traditional 3 × 2 formula and reward points – Coldiretti specifies – the proposals of the various chains have multiplied and differentiated to make them less comparable to each other and more attractive to customers: from below-cost sales to shopping vouchers. Italians this year spent 3.1% more on food products to purchase lower quantities, however, as emerges from a Coldiretti analysis on Istat data relating to retail trade in the first half of 2022. The situation naturally varies from product to product with Italians who, for example, cut their purchases of fruit and vegetables, which in 2022 collapsed by 11% in quantity compared to last year, falling to 2.6 million tons, on minimum values ​​since the beginning of the century (Cso Italy / Gfk Italia data in the first semester).