Venice exhibition: Chalamet arrives at the Lido, crazy crowd – video

(from the correspondent Ilaria Floris) – A crowd literally gone mad, which not even the blazing sun and the imposing security system were able to discourage, welcomed the arrival of Timothée Chalamet at the Lido of Venice. Expected at the Darsena for 13, in time for the presentation of ‘Bones and All’ by Luca Guadagnino of which he is the protagonist, Chalamet arrived a few minutes before 13.30, anticipated by the roar of dozens of fans who had been there for hours and hours. wait for it. Accompanied by the director Guadagnino, the actor – in an original damask outfit, with a red black and gold skirt and Korean jacket, and the usual rebellious curls left natural on his face – arrived at the Darsena and stopped for a few minutes with the fans, to sign autographs and take selfies. Generous and smiling, Chalamet did not hold back when a particularly fiery fan hugged him, and picked up a piece of paper jealously held for hours in the hand of another fan and fell to the ground in excitement, on which he then signed. an autograph, making the cameras and the public go crazy. The French star is the protagonist today at the Lido of the first Italian film to enter Competition, a love story of teen cannibalism in the Midwest, in the deep provincial America. Tonight at 6 pm he will pass on the red carpet for the official screening of the film in the Great Hall.