Fbf S.Pietro Roma: “For dear energy, Tac can not be turned off, the Government intervenes”

“The cost of gas has doubled in the last period but the funding for health is always the same. Today we certainly cannot turn off the lights or the CT scan. We are damaged and we have no defense in this respect. The Government must intervene with measures. special for hospitals, for example by removing VAT for affiliated hospitals or ancillary costs on bills “. Giovanni Vrenna, general affairs director of the Villa San Pietro-Fatebenefratelli hospital in Rome, underlines this to Adnkronos Salute. “Today we have a meeting with our energy services manager – underlines Vrenna – a year ago we luckily signed a contract with a deductible that allows us not to have price increases in the event of increases of 10%. payment times of bills but here we are now far beyond. A hospital like ours – he remarks – has fixed costs and is always open, we certainly cannot interrupt the services to the citizens “.