Even the Sme family imposes conditions. If they are not fulfilled, the government has no meaning for them | TVNOVINY.sk – TVNOVINY.sk

Krajniak can also imagine governing in a three-coalition. Labor Minister Milan Krajniak declared that We are a family has specific conditions for remaining in the coalition. They do not set personnel conditions, but they demand that the parliament be able to accept a cap on energy prices for households and help people with inflation in September. If the measures do not pass the parliament, the Sme family no longer sees the importance of governing in the current coalition. Krajniak added that for the We Are Family movement, it is crucial whether the coalition will be able to pass laws and help people with inflation, and not whether the coalition will remain in its original composition or only in a three-way coalition without SaS. After meeting these conditions, the Kollar residents also request execution amnesty. “We have to have that solution ready. If a fair solution is agreed on at the pan-European level, fine, but as you noticed, the Poles, Romanians, Spaniards, Portuguese take domestic measures, and what are we waiting for?” Krajniak challenged the government. At the meeting on Friday (September 2), the government is discussing capping energy prices for households and the public sector. The Ministry of Economy is presenting a law to help households and entrepreneurs with record energy prices.