Storms: three departments placed in orange vigilance – BFMTV

Three departments in the south-east of the country were placed on orange alert for the risk of thunderstorms this Friday by Météo-France. The whole country will be affected by stormy disturbances. Three departments were placed on orange alert for the risk of thunderstorms this Friday morning by Météo-France. The departments concerned, all located in the south-east of the country, are the Bouches -du-Rhône, Gard and Vaucluse. This Friday’s weather will be marked by the passage of a stormy disturbance over the whole territory, according to forecasts from meteorological institutes. From the start of the morning, it will be present on a wide swath of the west of the country, giving showers and thunderstorms from New Aquitaine and western Occitanie to Hauts-de-France. In the back, the sky will be very cloudy with some showers in Brittany, Lower Normandy and Pays de la Loire. Over the hours, the risk of thunderstorms will spread towards the east of the country, with thunderstorms which will give intense electrical activity and heavy rains in places. the Rhône valley and to the west of PACA that the stormy degradation could be the most marked during the afternoon and evening with thunderstorms which could locally give very strong accumulations of rain. On the other hand, the sky will clear up on the ocean front, with less intense and more sparse showers. On the temperature side, the minimums will range from 12 to 16 degrees from the northeast to the center-east of the country, 15 to 18 degrees elsewhere, up to 21 to 22 degrees near of the Mediterranean. In the afternoon, it will most often be 25 to 29 degrees, with 20 to 25 degrees in the northwest quarter, and in places 30 to 31 degrees in the Mediterranean regions before the storms.