Anne Heche’s son applied to take over his mother’s estate

Anne Heche’s Top 5 Movies 1:12 (CNN) — Anne Heche’s eldest son has filed a petition to take over the late actress’s estate. Homer Laffoon, 20, asked to be given control of his mother’s estate. Heche, who died last month after a car accident at age 53, did not have a will, according to a copy of the petition obtained by CNN. The petition names Laffoon and Heche’s 13-year-old son, Atlas Tupper, as heirs. “The estate consists of two (2) intestate heirs: Homer Heche Laffoon and Atlas Heche Tupper,” the petition says. “Homer Heche Laffoon is an adult and the proposed trustee. Atlas Heche Tupper is a minor.” Heche’s car crashed into a Los Angeles home and burst into flames on August 5. She experienced a “severe anoxic brain injury” that deprived her brain of oxygen, among other serious injuries, her family and friends said in a statement to CNN at the time. She died days later after being taken off life support. “My brother Atlas and I lost our mom. After six days of almost unimaginable emotional changes, I am left with a deep, wordless sadness,” Lafoon said in a statement to CNN on Aug. 14. “I hope my mom is free of pain and starting to explore what I like.” imagine as your eternal freedom. Anne Heche’s career, personal relationships and challenges 2:14