Pink notebook in Télématin: Julia Vignali announces good news! – Audience

Journalist Johanna Ghiglia had been on maternity leave for several weeks. Replaced at short notice by Anne-Claire Poignard for the reminder of the titles at 6:30 a.m., 7:30 a.m. and 8:30 a.m., she gave birth to a little boy. is Thomas Sotto his colleague of the morning who announced it this September 1, after a very leaden subject on the trial of the attacks of Nice, which opened very recently. Mayada Boulos’ companion said: “And then a hope all the same, and what a great hope. The Télématin team is growing with a shock and charming recruit. Look, it’s this lady’s baby, Johanna Ghiglia! Ewen, a little boy who was born a few days ago to whom we welcome. And we obviously kiss the mother, the father and the whole family”. answered: “And we send all our wishes of happiness to Johanna, to her little boy and to the dad. We kiss them very much and we tell them see you very soon”. A climate conducive to a few jokes since Thomas Sotto then launched: “It seems that the beginnings are sporty!”>> See also: “I hope it was not addressed to me”: Julia Vignali injured and embarrassed by the words of Jean-Marie Périer in “Telematin”? Fortunately, Julia Vignali, 47 years old and mother of a now grown-up boy, Luigi, offered her help to the young mother. During the sequence, she explained that she would see herself as a part-time babysitter: “I offered to keep the little one when she needed”. And her partner to call her to order: “No, you’re working, I remember you”. “We’re going to leave him alone, poor Ewen!” And Anne-Claire Poignard then suggests to her colleagues: “We’re going to bring to the set”. Opposite, Thomas Sotto, himself the father of “two little guys” preferred to temper: “Oh, we’re going to leave poor Ewen alone! Congratulations and congratulations to her in any case”, while waiting for the return to the air of his mum, Johanna Ghiglia.FA