Dengue cases increase in recent weeks in Spain – El Debate

In recent days, Spanish hospitals have reported an increase in dengue cases, most of them from travelers from Cuba, where the Cuban Ministry of Public Health (MINSAP) reported last Wednesday the detection of 11,634 reactive cases. of dengue in a week. The data that the Spanish autonomous communities have offered are not yet definitive, since more cases can be counted, but it has been seen that two thirds of the positive diagnoses in our country in summer come from the island from the Caribbean. However, Catalonia, the Canary Islands, Murcia and Castilla-La Mancha have not yet notified any data. According to the data offered by the Weekly Epidemiological Report of the Community of Madrid, up to week 34 of the year -from August 23 to August 29 month–, the capital has 11 positive cases of dengue. Last year, no cases were reported. Most of those infected had traveled to Cuba on vacation in recent weeks. Dengue is an infectious disease that is spread through the DENV virus, and can be transmitted by the Aedes Aegypti species mosquito, which has developed a strange immunity to insecticides. It can not only transmit dengue, but also yellow fever or Zika. However, it is not only transmitted by the Aedes mosquito. Most of the cases that have occurred in Spain have been of people who have traveled to places where the disease is endemic, but the autochthonous cases in our country have been caused by the tiger mosquito, which is increasingly present in the autonomous communities, mainly in the Mediterranean, Andalusia, Madrid, Extremadura, the Basque Country and Aragon. Symptoms of dengue Although 80% of people who contract the disease have mild or even asymptomatic symptoms, there are cases in which it is complicated and can be serious. Mild symptoms Intense headacheHigh feverMuscle painJoint painNauseaVomitingSwollen lymph nodesRed dotted rash The second day of symptoms is key, as it determines whether the infection progresses favorably or, on the contrary, worsens. Severe symptoms Intense abdominal pain Vomiting with the presence of blood Blood in the urine and stool Fast breathing Bleeding in the gums or nose Hepatomegaly (enlarged liver) Fatigue Although medicine is evolving, there is no treatment to deal with the disease, only to alleviate the symptoms . If the symptoms get complicated, you should go to the hospital. Dengue can be prevented. Since 2015 there is a vaccine, Dengvaxia. It is approved in 20 countries and can be inoculated by people between the ages of nine and 45. As with the coronavirus, this inoculation does not prevent infection, but rather reduces symptoms.