Expulsion of Imam Iquioussen: an investigation opened against a former elected FN for threats against…

INFO BFMTV – An investigation has been opened against a member of the RN and a former elected frontist for having threatened a magistrate of the administrative court who had suspended the expulsion of Imam Iquioussen. Among the suspects is a former member of the National Front, figure of the French extreme right. An investigation was opened last August by the Paris prosecutor’s office after the broadcast of threatening tweets against a magistrate of the administrative court who had just suspended the expulsion of Imam Iquioussen. On August 5, the court Administrative Paris had suspended the execution of the expulsion decision targeting Hassan Iquioussen, who is accused of words “contrary to the values ​​​​of the Republic”, claimed by the Ministry of the Interior. Gérald Darmanin, who had also appealed against this decision, winning his case earlier this week before the Council of State.”Judged by the people’s court”In the wake of the decision at first instance, hostile tweets identity of a magistrate sitting in the administrative court have been published. An investigation was then opened by the national center for the fight against online hatred of the Paris public prosecutor’s office for “dissemination of personal data”, “defamation”, and “insults against a person holding public authority”. including a member of the National Rally and a former elected member of the National Front, who has since left the Le Pen movement. One had in particular tweeted, citing the name of the magistrate, that she would be “tried by the people’s court at the liberation of socialo-macronism”. The investigations were entrusted to the Brigade for the repression of delinquency against the person. The RN evokes a “counter-fire” Within the staff of the National Rally, it is specified that “these statements obviously only engage their authors and in no case the RN”. “But the promptness to condemn these remarks on Twitter may seem paradoxical compared to the time taken to deal with the case of the imam on the merits”, we continue. “It looks like a counter-fire in the face of the fiasco.” The police-justice service of BFMTV