Covid, China lockdown in Chengdu: 21 million people ‘blocked’

In China, lockdown also for Chengdu. For the approximately 21 million inhabitants of this metropolis in southwestern China, the order to stay at home is triggered. This was reported by the official media of the Asian giant which insists on the ‘Zero Covid’ strategy. By Sunday, all inhabitants will have to undergo Covid tests. The restrictive measures were announced after yesterday in Chengdu – the capital of the Sichuan province – 132 cases of local transmission of the coronavirus of the 307 confirmed throughout the Asian giant on over 1.4 billion inhabitants were confirmed. Other Chinese cities are also in lockdown. In Dalian in the north, the restrictions affect half of the six million inhabitants. Strong limitations also for an unknown number of people in the cities of Chengde and Shijiazhuang, near Beijing. In Tianjin, in the northeast, the authorities have decided on Covid tests for all inhabitants. In Shenzhen, in the south, there are whole areas ‘sealed off’.