Employed, unemployed and inactive in July 2022: Istat data

In July 2022, compared to the previous month, both the employed and the unemployed decreased, while the inactive increased. Istat communicates it. Employment falls (-0.1%, equal to -22 thousand) among females, permanent employees, self-employed persons and all age groups, with the exception of those over 50, among whom it is growing; growth that is also recorded among males and temporary employees. The employment rate drops to 60.3% (-0.1 points). The decline in the number of job seekers (-1.6%, equal to -32 thousand units compared to June) is observed for both sexes and mainly between 35-49 year-olds. The unemployment rate drops to 7.9% (-0.1 points) and rises to 24.0% among young people (+0.1 points). The inactivity rate rises to 34.4%. The number of employees in July 2022 exceeds that of July 2021 by 2.0% (+ 463 thousand units); the increase is transversal by gender and age. The only negative change is recorded between the 35-49 year-olds due to the demographic dynamics; the employment rate, increasing by 1.6 percentage points, in fact also rises among 35-49 year-olds (+1.5 points) because, in this age group, the decrease in the number of employed is less marked than that of the population Comparing the quarter May 2022-July 2022 with the previous one (February 2022-April 2022), there is an increase in the level of employment equal to 0.6%, for a total of 140 thousand more employees.