Falsification of history and nationalist myths. The Constitution celebrates 30 years – SME

The copy of the constitution that they display in the foyer of the National Council of the Slovak Republic is not the original. It is kept in a safe. New MPs swear on it when they take over the parliamentary mandate. It bears the signatures of the former chairman of the Slovak National Council Ivan Gašparovič and Prime Minister Vladimír Mečiar. A couple who, according to political scientists and historians, also committed violations of the constitution and the law. However, the text of the constitution itself contains falsifications of history. And people for whom the wartime regime of the Slovak state was an inspiration also took part in it. The article continues under the video advertisement The article continues under the video advertisement There are more paradoxes surrounding the basic document of our state. Thirty years have passed since its adoption. Behind closed doors “In the summer of 1992, we were preparing the concept of the constitution in the government villa in Trenčianske Teplice. We were called there in the middle of June, we were there for almost three weeks. Everything was written by hand and transcribed on consul typewriters. We worked all day, during the day we wrote a specific part and the next day it was completely rewritten,” recalls Ľubomír Fogaš, a lawyer, at the time also a member of the Democratic Left Party (SDĽ) and one of the co-authors of the Slovak constitution. Together with Fogaš, they formed the basic democratic law and two other lawyers: the former communist minister of justice and the first post-revolutionary prime minister Milan Čič and MP and chairman of the constitutional law committee Milan Sečánsky. Both represented the Movement for a Democratic Slovakia (HZDS), Jozef Moravčík (HZDS) and Milan Janičina for the Slovak National Party (SNS) also participated in the preparations. They were provided with technical assistance by people from government legislation. It is said that the then prime minister and chairman of the HZDS, Vladimír Mečiar, together with Ivan Gašparovič, came to see them once. Years later, Mečiar himself admitted that he had several material disputes with Fogaš regarding the constitution, Fogaš admits that Mečiar sometimes shook fist on the table. “We could not just take the constitution of the old regime and make cuts in it, because it was the constitution of a unitary state and we were preparing the constitution of an independent democratic republic,” he says. Related articleRelated article Havel was also Slovak president. Only a handful of loudmouths threw eggs at him. Read “Previously, several variants of the constitution were drawn up. I think up to nine. In some, for example, a presidential or office system similar to the one in Germany was proposed, but we rejected it, we were afraid of too much concentration of power in the hands of one person,” explains Fogaš. [email protected] so that we can help you.” data-msg-btn-logout=”Log in as another user” data-msg-btn-close=”Stay logged in” >