Covid Italy, report: infections are falling again

Covid infections are back in Italy. According to the independent monitoring of the Gimbe Foundation, in the week 24-30 August there was a decrease of 15.8% in new cases compared to the previous one (149,701 infections registered against 177,877). Currently positive cases (660,241, almost 92 thousand fewer) and people in home isolation (654,588, almost 91 thousand fewer) respectively decreased by 12.2%. “After last week’s ‘rebound’ – explains Nino Cartabellotta, president of the Gimbe Foundation – the number of new weekly cases returns to settle at around 149,000, with a 7-day moving average of over 21,000 cases per day, documenting that since mid-August, beyond modest fluctuations, the curve is in a plateau phase “. Read also In all Regions there is a percentage decrease in new cases (from -3.2% in Basilicata to -32% in Sardinia). Compared to the previous week, in 98 Provinces there was a decrease in new cases (from -1.3% in Parma to -43% in Gorizia), in the remaining 9 Provinces there was an increase (from + 0.3% in Turin to + 23.6% of Lecco). The incidence is below 500 cases per 100,000 inhabitants in all provinces. On the testing front, there was a drop in the number of total tampons (-7.6%): it went from 1,109,070 in the week of 17-23 August to 1,024,798 in the week of 24-30 August. In particular, rapid buffers decreased by 8.7% (-78.565) and molecular buffers by 2.8% (-5.707). The 7-day moving average of the positivity rate decreases from 10.4% to 8.3% for molecular swabs and from 17.4% to 16% for rapid antigens.