Interior takes the bloodthirsty ETA members Txapote and Parot to the Basque Country amid harsh criticism

The General Secretariat of Penitentiary Institutions confirmed this Wednesday the transfer of thirteen prisoners of the terrorist group ETA to a prison in the Basque Country. Among the beneficiaries are Henri Parot and the murderer of Miguel Ángel Blanco, Javier García Gaztelu, alias Txapote. The transfers are being coordinated with the Department of Justice of the Basque government. This is the greatest approach promoted to date by the Government of Pedro Sánchez, which in July already approved the transfer of 11 ETA inmates to prisons in the Basque Country and Navarra. According to the figures handled by the victims’ associations, 70% of the 179 ETA prisoners who are still inmates in Spain are serving their sentences in Basque or Navarrese prisons. passed to second degree or ordinary regime. He entered prison on December 15, 2005 and is serving an accumulated sentence of 30 years for murder, attack and kidnapping, among others. García Gaztelu was previously transferred, in March 2021, from the Huelva prison to the Madrid-Estremera prison, within the policy of rapprochement promoted by the Ministry of the Interior since the arrival of Sánchez to the presidency of the Government in mid-2020. 2018. The former ETA leader is serving a sentence for 14 murders, including those of Miguel Ángel Blanco, Gregorio Ordóñez, Fernando Múgica Herzog and Fernando Buesa. Arrested in France in 2001, Txapote was part of the hard wing of the terrorist group, having never shown remorse for his crimes. His release from prison is not expected before February 2031. For his part, Henri Parot, currently in prison in León, entered prison on April 7, 1990 and is serving an accumulated sentence of 41 years for murders, homicides, attacks, terrorist organization, collaboration with an armed gang, havoc, injuries, counterfeiting and possession of explosives and weapons. His arrest in Seville was a significant blow in the fight against ETA because he held the leadership of the itinerant commandos or Argala, which had been operating for twelve years and had committed twenty attacks with almost 40 deaths and more than 200 wounded. In addition, Henri Parot In 2006, it gave its name to the so-called Parot doctrine, with which the Supreme Court responded to an appeal by this prisoner that led to the lengthening of the terrorists’ stay in prison. Seven years later, in 2013, the European Justice annulled it and 63 ETA members were released. Another of the ETA members transferred is Jon Bienzobas Arretxe, who is serving a sentence, among other causes, for the 1996 assassination of the president of the Constitutional Court, Francisco Tomás and Brave. The list is completed by Ismael Berastegui, Manex Castro Zabaleta, José Antonio Zurutuza Sarasola, Aitor Agirrebarrena Beldarrain, Oscar Celarain Ortiz, Juan Manuel Inciarte Gallardo, Eider Pérez Aristizabal, Jon Igor Solana Matarrán, Juan Luis Rubenach Roig and Félix Alberto López de la Calle Gauna. “Wave” of approaches by ETA members The Association of Victims of Terrorism (AVT) lamented on Thursday this new “wave” of approaches by ETA members, “among which are some of the most bloodthirsty.” The PP also expressed its rejection of the transfer of the former leaders of the terrorist group, which it considers a payment from the Government for the support of EH Bildu and a “humiliation” of the rule of law.” For each support from Bildu to Sánchez, a transfer of ETA members with blood crimes to the Basque Country. That is what Sánchez calls the investiture block,” censored the general secretary of the PP, Cuca Gamarra, in a Twitter message. “Not everything goes to stay in Moncloa. In politics there are limits,” she added. he