2022 transport bonus, it’s click day: questions at the start, how to request it

Transport bonus 2022, the click day has begun. From 8 am today 1 September it is possible to request the contribution online at the page https://www.bonustrasporti.lavoro.gov.it/. The provision, aimed at families, students, workers and pensioners, consists of a contribution to purchase a season ticket for the use of public transport by road and rail. The bonus, which cannot exceed the amount of 60 euros, can be requested by individuals with an income of up to 35 thousand euros. The request can be made by accessing the reserved area with SPID with security level 2, or with CIE (electronic identity card). The bonus must be used by purchasing a subscription within the calendar month of issue. The subscription can also start its validity in a subsequent period. On the website of the Ministry of Labor and Social Policies all the information with questions and answers. What is the transport bonus – The transport bonus is a facility to purchase an annual or monthly pass for public transport. An incentive to favor sustainable mobility and concrete help for workers and students. This is an income support measure and in contrast to a potential impoverishment instituted with the Aid Decree (decree-law n.50 of May 17, 2022 – art. 35), converted with amendments into Law n. 91 of 15 July 2022 and refinanced with the Aid-bis Decree (decree-law no. 115 of 9 August 2022 – art.27). Who can request the transport bonus – The voucher is recognized to individuals who, in the year 2021, have earned a total income not exceeding 35,000 euros. The bonus can be requested for oneself or for a dependent minor beneficiary. The applicant accesses with SPID or Electronic Identity Card (CIE) and indicates the tax code of the beneficiary, for example the parent can request the bonus for the minor child. How to request the transport bonus – The request can be made on the web platform, available at bonustrasporti.lavoro.gov.it. To access it is necessary to have the SPID digital identity or the CIE. The voucher will be nominative and can be used for the purchase of a single annual or monthly subscription during the current month. There is no access method to the platform for those who do not have SPID or CIE. What is the value of the bonus – The value of the voucher cannot exceed the amount of 60 euros and will be determined by the amount of the annual or monthly subscription that you intend to purchase. The voucher is valid for the purchase of season tickets for local, regional and interregional public transport services or for national rail transport services. The bonus is not transferable and does not affect the calculation of the ISEE. What are the access times to the portal – Access to the platform is regulated by an automatic queue system. The disbursements follow the order of arrival of the questions