Bad weather and storms, summer in crisis: that’s until when

Summer in crisis due to bad weather, with the arrival of thunderstorms and hail, but it’s not all over, explain the experts of the site “A cyclone from the Balkans is pushing unstable air towards the south and part of the central regions with even intense thunderstorms, during the weekend the Atlantic door will open and rains and thunderstorms could arrive from France, especially towards the North. The famous Summer 2022, very hot, anomalous, which began early in May, seems to have lost its breath, no longer have the energy to bring the African heat and the sun to Italy. Thunderstorms will therefore be more and more frequent, but it’s not all over: next week it could be much better, pleasant and sunny from North to South “say the experts. Lorenzo Tedici, meteorologist of the site, indicates the possibility of strong thunderstorms in the South in the next few hours, due to the very warm sea, up to 27/28 ° C and the convergence of winds, especially around the Strait of Messina and northern Sicily. Even in Calabria possible storms, up to southern Basilicata, the Metaponto. The Center will insist on a certain instability on Abruzzo, Molise and Lower Lazio, other showers are not excluded between Puglia and Campania while in the North and the rest of the Center the weather will be excellent, albeit gradually warmer during the day. In the morning, however, temperatures are almost September. Thunderstorms in the south are expected to be intense between Calabria and eastern Sicily due to the presence of a cyclone in the southern Balkans that will slowly move towards Greece. From tomorrow the showers will be less widespread and more concentrated close to the mountains, while the weekend will see an improvement in the South. The opposite for the North where in these hours we are experiencing a very pleasant summer phase with maximum temperatures around 30 ° C and minimum locally below 15 ° C. But as mentioned there will be a mini-reversal over the weekend: where it is bad now it will improve, where it is now beautiful it will get worse; is the weather trend of a decidedly fluctuating period. Summer 2022 seems a bit in crisis, but there will be ample sunny moments even in the stormy areas. IN DETAILS Wednesday 24th. In the North: good weather and pleasant heat. In the Center: partly cloudy sky, some thickening over Lazio. In the South: still storms, especially on Campania, Basilicata, Calabria and Sicily. Thursday 25. In the North: from the afternoon thunderstorms on the reliefs of the Triveneto and Friuli Venezia Giulia. In the Center: a bit unstable on the lower Lazio. In the South: thunderstorms in Calabria, less likely elsewhere. Friday 26. In the North: sunny and hot but with afternoon thunderstorms. Center: cloudy sky with afternoon thunderstorms close to the hills. In the South: slight improvement with some residual downpours, especially in inland areas. During the weekend a lot of instability with frequent thunderstorms especially in the North and in the inland areas of the Center-South, better on the Major Islands and the extreme South.

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