The Government, in search of the necessary support to approve the energy saving plan – Onda Cero

The Government is finalizing the talks with the different political groups to obtain the necessary support that will allow it to validate this Thursday in the Congress of Deputies the royal decree that includes, among other measures, the energy saving plan. At the press conference after the Council of Ministers on Tuesday, the Government spokesperson, Isabel Rodríguez, assured that the Executive hopes to obtain parliamentary support to approve a plan that will protect families and companies, and will comply with the commitments made with the European Union. In this sense, Rodríguez explained that today they only have evidence of the vote against the PP, which yesterday announced that it would not support energy saving measures as it is an “imposition” that includes “frivolities”, such as having to take off tie, turn off shop windows or raise or lower the temperature. The Government spokeswoman has charged against the PP’s response to the Government’s plan, describing it in turn as “frivolous”, and criticizing that despite the fact that they have had “23 days to read it, it seems that they still do not know its content”. “The public would not understand the refusal of any political group to these measures,” Rodríguez warned. With the more than probable vote against the PP, which requires modifications to the text to include aspects such as the extension of the useful life of nuclear power plants, the Executive will need to have the support of its usual partners, such as the ERC and the PNV. However, both formations have not yet announced the direction of their vote, as has EH Bildu, which leaves the approval of the energy saving plan, which will be voted on Thursday, in limbo. At the moment, Compromís is the only formation that announced its support a few days ago through the mayor of Valencia, Joan Ribó, assuring that his formation would support it “enthusiastically”. On the contrary, the president of Ciudadanos, Inés Arrimadas, has criticized this Tuesday in a letter the “lack of dialogue and agreement” of the Government, and has demanded changes to support the plan, such as “greater flexibility” for companies to be able to establish energy saving measures. The so-called “Shock Plan for energy saving and management in air conditioning” provides, among other measures, the adjustment of thermostats in administrative buildings, commercial and cultural spaces, train and bus stations and airports. Specifically, it establishes a minimum temperature of 27 degrees for the summer months, and a maximum of 19 degrees in winter. In addition to controlling the thermostat, the lights in the shop windows must be turned off after 10:00 p.m. and the lighting in public spaces when they are not in use, while their doors must be closed when the heating systems are working. heating or cooling. In this sense, by September 30, these establishments should have a system for closing doors. The plan approved by the Government is part of the European Union’s strategy to reduce energy consumption in the midst of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, with the expectation that in the coming months the supply of Russian gas may be affected. However, the royal decree that will be voted on Thursday in Congress does not only include the energy saving plan, but also support measures in the field of transport and in terms of scholarships and study aid. Thus, the free price of certain Renfe passes and multi-trip tickets will be voted between September 1 and December 31 of this year, as well as a complementary payment of one hundred euros per month for four months for the beneficiaries of scholarships and grants to the studio.

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