Cadastre, center-right agreement-Draghi: what the reform provides

In the end, the understanding arrived. The land registry reform will remain in the fiscal delegation and the criteria by which the annuities will be updated will be reviewed. The center-right, the one who is in the majority, announces the agreement with Prime Minister Mario Draghi which avoids reliance on trust in the provision. “There will be no tax increase”, exult Lega and Forza Italia. The first signs of agreement From the center-right, already in the morning, the first signs of a possible solution to the puzzle linked to the land registry reform and, therefore, the fiscal delegation arrive. According to the summary of the coordinator of Forza Italia, Antonio Tajani, we are “one step away from a turning point that strengthens the government”. The optimism derives from the technical proposal which, in the intentions, will allow the changes requested by the leaders to the Prime Minister to be implemented. It was drawn up during this morning’s meeting of the center-right of the government and, always looking at the words of Tajani, it seems possible that “an agreement can already be reached today that will bring out the hidden, with revenues with which the IMU can also be reduced. in many municipalities, but adopting tools that do not increase the tax burden on Italian homes. “While Matteo Salvini is at Palazzo Chigi, just to confront Draghi, Giorgia Meloni’s words come to bring back the reasons of those who he opposes: “The reform of the land registry is nothing more than the masked patrimonial that Enrico Letta wanted, let’s not fall from the pear tree … ”. What does the text of the reform say But what are we really talking about? Is it right who, starting with Draghi, continues to argue that no one wants to put their hands in the pockets of Italians or who, like Meloni, shouts at the patrimonial in disguise? The land registry reform is included in the tax delegation under discussion in Parliament. In particular, article 6 of the draft law intervenes on two levels. Paragraph 1 provides for “an amendment to the regulations relating to the cadastral survey system in order to modernize the tools for identifying and controlling the consistency of land and buildings”. It is a question of intervening on properties that are not currently registered or that do not respect the actual consistency, the relative intended use or the assigned cadastral category; on building land stacked as agricultural; on illegal properties. In paragraph 2, an integration of the information present in the land registry of buildings throughout the national territory is envisaged, to be made available starting from 1 January 2026. Providing that the information collected is not used to determine the tax base of the taxes and, in any case, for tax purposes; attributing to each real estate unit, in addition to the cadastral income determined according to the current legislation, also the relative asset value and a discounted income based, where possible, on the normal values ​​expressed by the market; providing for mechanisms for periodic adjustment of the assets and income of urban real estate units, in relation to the modification of the conditions of the reference market and in any case not above the market value; providing for recognized real estate units of historical or artistic interest adequate reductions in the average ordinary asset value that take into account the particular and heavier maintenance and conservation costs as well as the set of legislative constraints regarding destination, use, legal circulation and restoration The knot to be solved It is precisely the reference to market values ​​that worried the center-right. Forza Italia and Lega have made it a flag position and have so far opposed it, asking in the first phase for the removal of the entire land registry reform. The reassurance, reported in the text of the delegation, that the land registry reform will not lead to tax increases was not enough. The wall against the wall that has been there so far has led Draghi to say he is ready to send the text to the courtroom without agreement and to lock it up with a vote of confidence. assets of the properties, allowing the updating of the annuities according to the legislation currently in force and without any innovation of a patrimonial nature. The Italian land registry will therefore be progressively updated, but without changes compared to the current criteria. Also in this case excluded the possibility of new taxes on the house “. The government center-right, it is added, “has requested and obtained that the IMU rates can be reduced due to the emergence of ghost buildings”.

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