‘Ndrangheta: on UltimoTv series of interviews on the rooting of gangs in Germany

“The rooting of the ‘Ndrangheta in Germany” is the title of the first of a series of interviews that UltimoTV, the TV of Colonel Sergio De Caprio, aka Capitano Ultimo, and director Ambrogio Crespi, has included in its schedule. In the first episode (https://www.ultimotv.it/video/il-radicamento-in-germania-della-ndrangheta-1-puntata/) the journalist Angela Rossi interviews Carmen Romano, coordinator in Bavaria of the association ‘Mafia Nein Danke! ‘. The association was born in Berlin as an initiative of a group of restaurateurs in response to the Duisburg massacre on August 15, 2007. “Fighting on the street is the motto of UltimoTV and the Duisburg massacre reminds us of all the blood there was that night in Germany – comments Crespi, director of De Caprio’s webtv -, despite many years having passed, the roots of organized crime have by no means disappeared, quite the contrary. Modus operandi often change but it remains a cancer of our country, and in this case also of Germany, which probably underestimates the phenomenon ”. “For this reason – concludes Crespi – we have made UltimoTV available to tell, through associations and people who live right there, what is happening”.