EXTRAORDINARY Special Prosecutor Requests Detention for Fica! Finally, the parliament decides – Topky.sk

Updated 15:29 Authorized Prosecutor Ladislav Masár, who represents Lipšica in the case of Twilight, has already managed to express himself. “On 22 April 2022, the Office of the Special Prosecutor’s Office submitted to the National Council of the Slovak Republic a request for consent to remand a member of the National Council of the Slovak Republic JUDr. RF” Attorney General Maroš Žilinka announced that he would not act on the matter, but instructed Deputy Special Prosecutor Ladislav Masár, and announced that he had excluded Special Prosecutor Daniel Lipšic from the case. The matter remains with the Office of the Special Prosecutor’s Office, which may act on behalf of the Prosecutor General at the request of the National Council of the Slovak Republic to grant consent to the arrest of a deputy, Dalibor Skladan, a spokesman for the Prosecutor General Fico is together with R prosecuted by obert Kaliňák and others for the crime of founding, conceiving and supporting a criminal group, the crime of abuse of power by a public official and the crime of endangering trade, banking, postal, telecommunications and tax secrets. Based on Žilinka’s decision on Friday, the deputy special prosecutor may act on his behalf in the exercise of his powers to request the National Council of the Slovak Republic to issue a consent to take the deputy into custody. Possible prosecution of a member of the National Council of the Slovak Republic is possible only with the consent of the parliament and a court decision. The leader of Smer-SD considers the accusation to be political revenge and an attempt to liquidate the chairman of the strongest opposition parliamentary party. The prosecutor is also demanding the prosecution of Robert Kaliňák and Marek Par. The judge of the Specialized Criminal Court in Pezinok will decide on this afternoon.