Pope Francis: “Meeting suspended in June with Patriarch Kirill”

There will be no meeting in June between Pope Francis and the Russian Patriarch Kirill in Jerusalem. Bergoglio himself says so in an interview with La Nacion. Speaking of his relations with Kirill, whom he defines as “very good”, the Pope states: “I regret that the Vatican had to suspend a second meeting with Patriarch Kirill, which we had planned for June in Jerusalem. But our diplomacy has understood that a meeting at this time could create a lot of confusion. ” “I have always promoted interreligious dialogue. When I was archbishop of Buenos Aires, I brought Christians, Jews and Muslims together in a fruitful dialogue. It was one of the initiatives I am most proud of. It is the same policy that I promote in the Vatican. For me – he adds – the agreement is superior to the conflict “. The Russian Orthodox Church will await another” more favorable “occasion for the meeting between Pope Francis and the Russian Patriarch Kirill. “We will wait for another more favorable moment for that event. The recent communication between the Pope and the Patriarch through remote means was very warm and cordial and helped to discuss the most delicate issues”, the director of external relations specified in a note. of the Russian Orthodox Church, Metropolitan Hilarion. “A logical decision by the Pope to cancel the June meeting with Patriarch Kirill, who blessed the killing of thousands of people” tweets the Ukrainian ambassador to the Holy See, Andrii Yurash, according to which “Vatican diplomacy has always demonstrated its ability to produce the most appropriate decisions in all difficult circumstances “. “This decision – underlines the diplomat – is the obvious contribution to peace in Ukraine”.