Ukraine, Johnson: “Russia can win war”

There is a “realistic possibility” that Russia can win the war in Ukraine. This was recognized by the British Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, during a press conference in New Delhi. Read also Commenting on Western intelligence reports that Moscow could win, Johnson commented: “The sad thing is that this is a realistic possibility.” “Putin has a huge army. He has a very difficult political position because he made a catastrophic mistake – continued Johnson – The only option he has now is to keep trying to use his scary, artillery-led approach to try and crumble the Ukrainians “. The situation in Ukraine is, at this stage,” unpredictable “, but the West cannot” passively watch “what is happening, Johnson said, stating that” the United Kingdom and our allies will not watch passively as Vladimir Putin continues this assault. “The British Prime Minister then praised the” extraordinary fortitude and success “of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and his people resisting Russian forces” with incredible heroism “. The West, he continued, must” evaluate what else it can do militarily. We must continue to intensify economic sanctions. And that is what we are doing “.