Johnny Depp-Amber Heard trial: the actor’s drug and alcohol use pointed out – The Independent

The two former spouses accuse each other of defamation during this trial. On Thursday, Amber Heard’s attorneys questioned Johnny Depp about his drug and alcohol use. At the heart of the trial, the actor’s finger was cut in March 2015 while he was filming the fifth installment in the “Pirates of the Caribbean” saga. “I cut my middle finger,” Johnny Depp wrote to his doctor in a message read in court by Ben Rottenborn, Amber Heard’s lawyer. A different version from the one he had given the day before since he had claimed that this injury had been inflicted by his ex-wife. “She approached me and grabbed the bottle of vodka. She backed up and threw it at me,” Johnny Depp had narrated, mimicking the scene. Representatives of Amber Heard also revealed text messages that Johnny Depp allegedly sent to friends. “I don’t ever want to lay eyes on that dirty whore Amber again,” he wrote in April 2015, two months after they married. “Let’s burn Amber,” he said in another message sent in 2013 to one of his friends. “You said ‘I’m going to fuck her burnt corpse afterwards, to make sure she’s dead’. That’s what you said you would do after you burned her and after you drowned her,” said assured Ben Rottenborn. Jonnhy Depp accused of domestic violence Amber Heard’s lawyers have finally released a video in the courtroom in which we see the American actor violently opening and closing the cupboards before serving himself a glass of wine. “I didn’t try to intimidate Miss Heard. If she was intimidated, why was she filming? If she was scared to death, why didn’t she leave?” Depp reacted. Asked about his alcohol and drug abuse, Johnny Depp admitted having consumed it, but never in excess. On Wednesday, in response to the accusations of violence from his ex-wife, he had assured the contrary that it was she who carried the blows. He said he had “lost everything”. Johnny Depp is suing Amber Heard for defamation over a 2018 column she wrote in the “Washington Post” in which she raised domestic violence charges without citing the actor. He claims 50 million dollars. Amber Heard also counterattacks Johnny Depp for defamation and demands 100 million dollars from him.