‘She needed violence’: Johnny Depp claims Amber Heard was hitting him

By SudOuest.fr with AFP
American actor Johnny Depp has again accused his former girlfriend, Amber Heard, of domestic violence. On his second day of testimony before an American court, he also portrayed her as toxic and accuses her of having defamed him Johnny Depp accused this Wednesday, April 20, Amber Heard of violence that she allegedly inflicted on him during their marriage. “In her frustration and in her rage, she was hitting,” the movie star said. “It could start with a slap, a push. She threw a TV remote at my head, a glass of wine in my face,” the comedian explained, saying the actress had “a need for conflict, a need for violence.” The former couple accuse each other of defamation during this trial, very followed and broadcast on televisions, which is held near Washington. In 2016, Amber Heard accused her ex-husband (whom she married in 2015) of domestic violence. Toxic attitudes The serious mine, the actor has largely described, in a slow tone, the verbal insults and alleged toxic attitudes of his ex-wife, during their two years of union. “I could almost never go see my children, spend time with them, because she had to have me with her all the time for her own needs,” Johnny Depp lamented. According to him, Amber Heard regularly called him a “bad father”. Faced with these alleged attacks, the actor claims to have “never gone to violence”.