Chaos prosecutors, Palamara indicted for corruption

Luca Palamara goes to trial. For the former councilor of the CSM, the gup of Perugia Piercarlo Frabotta ordered the indictment in the main line of the investigation for corruption, setting the trial for next November 15 before the first college of the Court. Together with Palamara, Adele Attisani will also go to trial for participation in the crime of corruption for the exercise of her functions. The judge of the preliminary hearing also accepted the request for a one-year to six-month plea bargain for the entrepreneur Fabrizio Centofanti, who in June made spontaneous declarations to the magistrates of the Perugia prosecutor’s office. The former Attorney General of the Cassation Riccardo Fuzio was acquitted in abbreviated form of the charge of revelation of office secrecy. For one episode with the formula why the fact does not exist and for another one for the tenuousness of the fact. For him, the prosecutors had asked for an eight-month sentence. The prosecutors Gemma Miliani and Mario Formisano of the Perugia prosecutor’s office, led by Raffaele Cantone, after the statements made to the magistrates by Centofanti, had modified the charge in recent weeks, contesting, among the accusations, the corruption in competition for the exercise of functions, and no longer corruption in judicial acts. The judge’s decision comes eight months after the opening of the preliminary hearing which began on November 25. “In competition with each other, with several executive actions of the same criminal design, acting Adele Attisani as instigator of the criminal conduct and beneficiary, also and in part, of the benefits received, Luca Palamara, first as deputy prosecutor at the Public Prosecutor’s Office of Rome and leading exponent of the National Magistrates Association until 24 September 2014, subsequently as a member of the Superior Council of the Judiciary and magistrate out of role – we read in the charge – they received from Fabrizio Centofanti the utilities for the exercise of his functions and powers “. And in particular “for the possibility allowed to Centofanti da Palamara to participate in public or confidential meetings attended by magistrates, councilors of the CSM and other public figures with institutional roles and in which appointments and managerial positions concerning magistrates were planned, thus allowing Centofanti to increase his role and prestige as a “lobbyist”; for the willingness shown by Palamara to Centofanti to be able to acquire, also through other magistrates and members of the police, linked to him by professional relationships and / or friendship, information also reserved on the ongoing proceedings and in particular, on those pending at the Public Prosecutor’s Office of Messina and Rome involving Centofanti and the lawyers Piero Amara and Giuseppe Calafiore; due to Palamara’s willingness to accept requests from Centofanti aimed at influencing and / o determine, also through relations with other directors of the Superior Council of the Judiciary and / or other colleagues, the appointments and positions by the Council itself and the decisions of the disciplinary section “. Madonna di Campiglio, the trip to Madrid with her son, the holiday in Favignana, Dubai, in addition to the works carried out at the home of her friend Adele Attisani. In Palamara, as stated in the indictment, the revelation of the use of official secrets is also contested. (from the correspondent Assunta Cassiano)

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