Ustica, Cavazza (Ass. Verità): ‘Surprised and embittered by the Gazzetta Sport initiative’

The president of the Association for the Truth about Ustica Giuliana Cavazza wrote to the director of the ‘Gazzetta dello Sport’ Stefano Barigella saying that she was “surprised and embittered by his initiative to attach to the newspaper a book on Ustica, signed by Giacomo Pellizzaro, a professional journalist expert in cycling”. “The book – underlines Cavazza – is the summary of all the mystifications and fake news on that plane crash, already dismantled one by one during the criminal trial. Incredibly, the author – Cavazza claims – continues to give credit to the hypotheses contained in the request. of committal for trial of the Air Force generals by the investigating judge Priore, without recalling that they were acquitted with full formula and final sentence, after a close discussion between the parties that demonstrated the groundlessness of the hypothesis of the investigating judge on the battle aerial ‘”. “On this subject – continues Cavazza – many have written books, first a great journalist like Paolo Guzzanti, and then authoritative members of the Parliamentary Commission on the massacres and world-renowned aeronautical experts, such as Ruggero Manca, Eugenio Baresi, Antonio Bordoni, Goran Lilja, Franco Bonazzi and Francesco Farinelli, Dino Tricarico and Gregory Alegy “. “I therefore ask you – concludes Cavazza – as the daughter of one of the victims and president of the Association for the Truth about Ustica, to attach one of the aforementioned books to a forthcoming issue of your newspaper, or to clarify that Pellizzaro’s imaginative reconstructions have nothing to do with dealing with reality “.

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