Delta variant dominant in 19 European countries

The Delta variant of SARS-CoV-2 “is spreading rapidly across Europe and has now become the dominant strain across much of the region,” according to new surveillance data reported by the World Health Organization (WHO) Europe and the Center. European Commission for the prevention and control of ECDC diseases, in a joint note. “Between June 28 and July 11 – the experts report – the Delta variant was dominant in 19 countries, most of the 28 that reported sufficiently complete genetic sequencing information”. For these 19 countries, “the median proportion of all nationally sequenced viral isolates showed the Delta variant to be 68.3%, surpassing the previously dominant Alpha variant (22.3%) in the region.” Based on current trends, warn WHO Europe and Ecdc, “the Delta variant will be the dominant strain globally in the coming months and has already been identified in almost all European countries. It will continue to spread, shifting the circulation of other variants, to unless a new, more competitive virus emerges. ” Confirmed cases of Covid, the experts still point out, “have increased across Europe every week for the past 4 weeks. Notification rates have increased across all age groups, but more rapidly between 15 and 24, where it has been. observed a 5-fold increase in reported cases in the past month “. VACCINATIONS – “A rapid spread of” anti-Covid “vaccinations to all groups eligible for prophylaxis is strongly recommended, reads the joint note. WHO Europe and ECDC “urge priority groups, such as the elderly, people with chronic diseases and health workers” to “complete the vaccination cycle” with the two doses as soon as possible. And at the same time, while also in Italy vaccination policies, obligations and priorities are being discussed, they reiterate a strong invitation to proceed quickly with the coverage of all groups that may have access to the shield injection. “Where the Delta variant is spreading – highlight WHO and ECDC – an intensive implementation of current public health measures, including greater access to tests, will be required to control the transmission of Covid”, and this is particularly valid now ” while vaccination progress is not yet sufficiently high in many countries “. TRAVEL – The World Health Organization for Europe, in the joint note with Ecdc), then re-launches its warning: “Travel is not without risks. Traveling and getting together in a group can increase the probability of contracting and spreading Covid- 19. If you want to travel, think about the need “to do it” and evaluate the risks “. The general manager of WHO Europe, Hans Henri P. Kluge, recalls the rules of the ‘Summer Sense’ campaign launched by the agency in recent weeks. “Your decision matters to end this pandemic. If you choose to travel, do it safely,” is the warning. Three recommendations. The first is “remember the 3W”, ie “wear a mask (Wear a mask), wash your hands (Wash your hands) and observe the distance (Watch your distance)”. The second is “measure your risk ‘door to door’: from the moment you close the door to the moment you reopen it, assess step by step the risk you are exposed to and take the right precautions. It is proven that washing frequently your hands, keep a safe distance and wear a mask protects you “. The third is “avoid the three Cs (Closed, Confined or Crowded): more than the journey itself, it is the place that matters. Closed, confined or crowded contexts will expose you to a greater risk of being infected with Covid-19. Choose open and ventilated environments, keep a distance of at least one meter from others and wear a mask “.” We are far from out of danger in terms of the end of the “Covid-19” pandemic and unfortunately in many countries in our region we are witnessing a significant increase in cases associated with the spread of the highly transmissible Delta variant. Despite the enormous efforts of Member States to vaccinate people across the region, millions more remain unvaccinated and therefore risk ending up in hospital “is the warning issued by Kluge, regional director of the World Health Organization for Europe. “The good news – he reiterates – is that the data clearly show that receiving a full vaccination course significantly reduces the risk of serious illness and death. When called upon to do so, people should be vaccinated”. WHO Europe recommends countries to ” increase access to free tests “for the diagnosis of Covid-19, to” expand sequencing “for the detection of variants of Sars-CoV-2, to” encourage quarantine for contacts “of positive people” and ‘isolation for confirmed cases “of Covid, to” strengthen contact traceability to break chains of transmission and ensure that the categories most at risk are vaccinated “is Kluge’s invitation.” We must remain vigilant and continue to use the common sense to prevent the spread of the “Sars-CoV-2 virus. “This means having a full course of vaccination as soon as the opportunity arises and maintaining physical distancing, washing hands, avoiding crowded spaces and wearing a mask when needed. These are measures we know work to protect ourselves and others. We should think of these as ‘anti-lockdown measures’, because they can help prevent the spread of the disease without having to shut down a large part of society “said Andrea Ammon, director of the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control Ecdc.

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