Voghera, Saviano vs Salvini: “His filthy words”

“Salvini’s words that shield the councilor-sheriff of Voghera are shameful. Legitimate defense, shot started by chance: of the two, one. But we know that we are in the presence of a racist gesture and that the defense of that gesture”. Writes the writer Roberto Saviano on Twitter in relation to the comment of the leader of the League on what happened in Voghera where the councilor for security, Massimo Adriatici, self-suspended from his post, ended up under house arrest for the death of Youns El Boussetaoui, killed from a shot from Adriatici’s gun. “The words that Matteo Salvini spent in a video, in defense of one of his men, the assassin councilor of Voghera – added Saviano in a video accompanying his tweet – are filthy, ignoble words, not worthy of the democratic debate . And they show once again that the Lega is a gang. And Salvini is the leader of this gang “. For Saviano” justifying a murder, saying that the other was an alcoholic, that the immigrant was a known troublemaker, a homeless , it is very dangerous. In these cases there is the police and there are complaints “.

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