In Cervia, football is played on the beach with artists and VIPs, and you make money from the Simoncelli Foundation

Thursday 29 July starting at 4 pm the New Dreams association, made up of musicians, singers, TV personalities, influencers and social stars, will take to the “field”, playing on the beach, a quadrangular of Beach Soccer in Cervia, at Bagno bleck 2.10 of the Grand Hotel. Tickets will be available from 21st July at Bagno bleck 2.10. The event aims to raise funds that will be entirely donated to the Marco Simoncelli Foundation (, born in favor of the weakest subjects, supporting humanitarian projects in memory of Sic, the champion who died prematurely in due to an accident on the Sepang circuit, in Malaysia, on 23 October 2011 Among the artists who confirmed their presence Briga, Random, Federica Carta, Boro Boro, Andrea Damante, Shade, Andrea Zelletta, Mydrama, Valerio Mazzei, Alice De Bortoli , Diego Lazzari, Matt & Bise. The appointment will be broadcast on the social networks of New Dreams, from which donations can be made directly in support of the project and you can follow the funniest moments live from the Music Room, where the various artists will be the protagonists in the evenings of 28 and 29 July from around 8.30 pm, and from the beach.

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