Books: “1984 are you”, the new essay by Gabriele Adinolfi comes out for Altaforte Edizioni

It was 1984 when Orwell set his world. A dystopian, hallucinating world, where the control of “Big Brother” was constant, where the memory of peoples and individuals was canceled, where every human bond was destroyed. A world away from ours? Gabriele Adinolfi is not so convinced that in his latest essay he rereads Orwell, providing an analysis of the contemporary world that is anything but obvious. The title of the book, published by Altaforte Edizioni, speaks for itself: “1984 are you”. A provocation, more than an accusation, to push the reader to find himself between the lines and the written words and to ask himself how close is that Orwellian society where children denounce fathers and fathers capitulate in the face of barbarism disguised as civilization . Available in all bookstores and on the website, “1984 sei tu” is completed by the preface by Giuseppe Scalicci and the afterword by Francesco Ingravalle.