Green Pass, director of Caffé Rosati: “Pure madness, what title do we have to control?”

The obligatory green pass in bars? It is “an anguish that returns, that recurs. We are embittered, our mood is now discouraged and the fear is of finding ourselves in the same situation as last year, only this year we have many more vaccinated people. disheartening “. This is the outburst that Saverio, the director of the famous Caffé Rosati in Piazza del Popolo in Rome, entrusts to Adnkronos, commenting on the measures that the government is preparing to implement regarding the obligation of a green pass which, under certain conditions, would seem to be in about to be required for bars and restaurants as well. “It’s madness, there are too many gaps – the director says bitterly – First of all, I don’t know if we would have a title to ask for it. Technically how do we do it? And how will we be able to understand if it’s true or false? Should we ask for a document? And then again? : can we deny access to a public place, do we have authorization for it? “, he wonders. By submitting a series of practical questions of no small importance. “We, like almost everyone, also do a toilet service. If a person asks to enter to go to the bathroom, do we have to let him in? Are we exempt? Do we have to ask for the green pass?”, He urges. of young customers, who do not have the green pass for delays that have occurred, and therefore are discriminated against compared to the elderly, and then that of people who are exempt: what do I do in that case? Do I have to ask for the certificate? ? “, asks the director of Rosati. Without considering, he explains, that a historic and central place like this “is all about the affection of the clientele”. “We feel uncomfortable. They are our own customers, treating them like this is absurd. It’s like welcoming someone into your home and reminding them to wash their hands or put on a mask, it’s really embarrassing,” he explains. Summing up with a reflection. “This phase is delicate, it is like a child who starts walking again. You have to be careful of the rules. After a year and a half we are exasperated. We have survived so far, but now I see it hard if it continues like this,” he adds. The hope is that “the measures adopted take into account the actual hospitalizations, which seem to be very low, and that these needs are reconciled with the needs of those who are still standing by a miracle”. “To prohibit access to the bar, where the cost is sometimes one euro for a coffee, to people who do not get vaccinated, would create a paradoxical situation – he observes – Do we make them swab for a coffee? things well. I honestly don’t understand this alarmism given the hospitalization data. It is unmotivated, and frightening the population in this way really risks creating an absurd world “, he concludes.